View Full Version : more BCS bashing

December 3rd, 2003, 03:35 PM
thought you guys would get a kick outta this.. i got it in an email.

1. BCS poll: (only ranks top 25) - LSU has played the #7, #11, #18 and #24. USC has only played the #15 team.

2. ESPN/Coaches Poll (ranks the top 43 teams) - LSU has played #5, #11, #19 and #29. USC has only played the #14.

3. AP Poll (ranks top 37) - LSU has played the #5, #11, #17 and #26. USC has played only #16.

4. LSU's loss was to a ranked team(#11 Fla.) . USC's was to Cal (an unranked team).

5. The focus shouldn't be on the OOC (Out of Conference) weaker schedule or the real meat of the schedule.

6. LSU defeated Arizona by 46 points, USC defeated Arizona by 45.

7. LSU defeated Auburn by 24 points, USC defeated Auburn by 23 points.

8. LSU's total defense is ranked 3rd in the nation (256.73), USC's total defense is ranked 24th (319.09).

What exactly do the talking heads mean when they say USC has "Done it on the field"?
