View Full Version : HELP!

December 2nd, 2003, 11:07 PM
I can not get anything that I put on my desk top to open up for me. I tried to save and open my marriage licens and everytime I try to open it it tells me this.."unable to load graphics conversion filter"
Can anyone tell me what that means and can you send me what ever I need to fix it please. It is very important that I get this printed out ....

Thank you


December 3rd, 2003, 02:08 AM
Is your marriage licesnse a word document with pictures in it? or a noraml pic (jpg, gif, bmp, etc?).

I bet its a word document, so what version of word do u have? and what OS? Do you also get a "WordBasic Err=102". too?

either one of 2 probs.
a. Your picture is missed up, either corrupted from d/l, email, w/e.
b. The program you are using to open it with is messed up, try opening it with somthin else (like pshop, image viewer, paint, etc)

Im betting its problem B, where you are trying to open a new version of word Doc, with a older version of ms word?
Maybe you have Word Perfect? and you can normally open word documents with it, but whoever saves the Word documents must save as->file type-> Word Perfect, otherwise similar erros like that will happen (when saving with images involved)

December 3rd, 2003, 07:58 AM
Tracker, if it's not too confidential you can send it to me via email and I can try and convert it from word to a PDF or JPG for you and email it back. Then you should be able to open and print it. Let me know.

[email protected]

December 3rd, 2003, 12:37 PM
It must be my word doc. I installed paint shop pro, and now I can open it and also print it..Thanks for the help guys...


December 3rd, 2003, 02:09 PM

December 3rd, 2003, 02:40 PM
format c:

December 3rd, 2003, 03:11 PM
come over the house and I will "help" you out so you do not have to use pain shop. I will be home tonight at 6 pm.

