View Full Version : Please help! CS broken

November 20th, 2003, 01:34 PM
My counter-strike is still broken.

I can't view any servers, even if I add one to favorites.

Please help me.

Thanks :)

November 20th, 2003, 02:57 PM
More info...what's it telling you? Screen shots would be nice. :)


November 23rd, 2003, 10:24 PM
It's 11.pm sunday night ...sweetz let me get a few drinks tonight .. and here i am thinking .. hmmmm some JD and CS would be grand...but no alas what do i get when i try to join the server ...some error 35..steam id invaild or some crap...i say we find the person that invent this Demon called STEAM and CUT HIS HEAD!!! (yes that was a quote :P )... well if anyone has any help they cna give me .. please let me know..and yes i have restarted my pc several times ...

P.S i had to read this post 3 times before i got it to make sense lol .
