View Full Version : Books

November 19th, 2003, 08:33 AM
Ok...so, we do this from time to time...and I've been reading alot lately...so...

What books have you read recently, and do you recommend them?

Right now, I'm reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. Pretty interesting (and deep) book...but, unless you are interested in quantum mechanics and physics and the curviture of space, I'd pick up another book. Which one?

Prey, by Michael Crichton. This book rocks. Another by him is Timeline (soon to be released as a movie).

Anyone else?

November 19th, 2003, 08:58 AM

Well, I'm in the middle of reading a few at the moment. I just finished "Bias" by Bernard Goldberg- an interesting look at slants in the media from an insider's point of view.

I am currently reading Faulkner's "The Reavers," T Harry Williams' "Heuy P Long" (the pulitzer prize winning biography), and Peter Robinson's "How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life."

The last one is an amazing look at the principles that Ronald Reagan lived by, and how they were shaped from failure and dissapointment and experience from his life. I am only about 1/3 through it, and it has been a very eye-opening, self-reflective experience.

Other than that, I haven't read any popular books lately. Although I did see John Grisham has a new non-legal type book out that looks good.

November 19th, 2003, 09:20 AM
Just finished There will be Dragons by John Ringo, it is a scifi/fantasy type book that is set in the 41century on earth where everthing is provided to humans by the Net. Needless to say, some decided the net wasnt good for humanity and went to war with the other members of the Council thus causing the net to fail and everyone to revert back to medival times. Very interesting book and will be a good series.

Also finished Death of the Dragon by Ed Greenwood and Troy Denning. It is a Forgotten Realms novel that centers on King AzounIV of Cormyr and his daughters as they fight to protect the Kingdom of Cormyr from an Ancient Dragon that is leading an army to destroy the humans.

November 19th, 2003, 09:41 AM
timeline is a kickbut book, ive read the peirs anthony "incarnations of immortality" series... i recommend.

thomas k. martin's "magelords" series is very cool indeed.

The whole "ender's" series by orson scott card is defiantly worth reading, i recommend reading "ender's shadow" first, it is what hooked me into reading the whole series and is the best imo.

orson scott card's "the worthing saga" is good too.

and peirs anthony's "the shame of man" is very thought provoking,...

And for you computer guy's (like me) reading tom clancy's whole Net Force series is kinda cool 2.

November 19th, 2003, 10:14 AM
im still on Patriot Games by Tom Clancy.
I got SUm of All Fears, about to get Red Rabbit, and whatever other Clancy books i can.
i also read alot of poetry books.

November 19th, 2003, 10:47 AM
Tom Clancy is one of my fav authors. Also, James Patterson, Jeffery Deaver, Dean Koontz, Larry Bond, David Morell, Michael Crichton...and many others.

November 19th, 2003, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
Tom Clancy is one of my fav authors. Also, James Patterson, Jeffery Deaver, Dean Koontz, Larry Bond, David Morell, Michael Crichton...and many others.

.. you can never have to many fav authors... rock on.

November 19th, 2003, 03:49 PM
whats a book?? Can you eat it?
