View Full Version : VB as Front-End for Excel

November 18th, 2003, 09:13 AM
Ok, programmer help request...

Here's the deal: I've been working on a project that would like an existing Access database to a Visual Basic 6.0 front end user interface that would be used for queries and sorting and basic stuff like that. I've got all my forms created (almost all, actually), but whenever I like the database to the actual form (using Data control), I get an error message that reads "Unrecognized format in C:\***\***\video.mdb"
Now, I've tried working with this for a while and can't figure out WHY it's doing this, so I have decided to try and convert the Access DB to an Excel spreadsheet and to link my VB to it instead.

My question is this, how do I set up queries to this Excel file and have them display in the VB form?
