View Full Version : Little Input pls, wireless network

October 28th, 2003, 11:57 AM
Hey, i got cable internet now. I have a wireless usb card also. I want to set up a network where i can let ONLY certian people use my cable internet through my wirless.

I want to share my cable internet using only wireless nic's to friends in neighboring rooms. I dont want anyone to be able to connect and steal my/our bandwidth.

How would i go about this? Wihtout buying a router or anything else? Is it possible to create some kind of password / login to join my network so i could just give that info to my friends?

I like to think i know a little about networking, but wireless and cable internet are both new to me, words like "ad-hoc" "ESSID" "WEP keys" scare me.

Should i go the static ip address way? How will my comp not conflict with lan ip and cable ip since i odnt have a router?...

tks in advance you b00ns that answer. (mainly latech) :laugh:

October 28th, 2003, 12:01 PM
You're gonna need a wireless access point. Use it as your router and then enable mac filtering. Set up the mac addresses for the nics you want to allow access to in your router.
You don't need to use wep.
statis ip is easier for people to find you over the net, but shouldn't affect you too much with your wireless network.

October 28th, 2003, 12:04 PM
does it need to be 'ad-hoc' or 'infrastrcutre' ?
"open" or "shared" authentication?

edited: Mac filtering? where is that at? do i need to d/l a program?

October 28th, 2003, 12:15 PM
Do you have a wireless access point?

October 28th, 2003, 12:19 PM
i have a nic card, and yes, i have been able to set it as "ad-hoc" and then my freind can see and connect to it, but he cant get online. SO i figure its my computer's problem. Also, when i try to set it up with windows network wizard i always get errors, and when i try to "share internet" wiht my wireless enabled and cable, i get a wierd IP for cable and cant get online.

edited: And neither of these solve the problem of how to "only let certain people" get on my network/internet"

edited#2: thanks for help right now guys :P,

October 28th, 2003, 12:22 PM
Spector, without a wireless access point, you do not want to share the internet connection through your machine. If you do, your machine will run very slowly while other people share your connection. The solution is to get a wap, plug the cable modem into it, configure mac address filtering in the setup of the router and rock'n'roll.

October 28th, 2003, 12:25 PM
Aight so i need a wireless router :P, i was tryin to find a cheap/easy way to share so they could pay me a little for the 40 bucks a month cable cost for me. But if a router it takes, i may have to cancel the deal, cuase they could just get thier only cable, and i dont want em laggin my cs with thier spywarez/viruses anways.

Thanks for clearing it up though.


-FA- ManiacalClown
October 28th, 2003, 05:59 PM
What's the speed of these cards? We've got 11 Mbps at school and it BLOWS.

October 28th, 2003, 09:48 PM
11mbps, its fast for internet... not like goin to be goin anywhere near that speed though.

October 29th, 2003, 05:42 AM
its not that you have that much bandwith, its the latency to which it travels is SLOW... I have only seen one wireless internet service that could handle cs, at the University of Tennessee, they have like at least 11 mega bit if not higher on their wireless and it doesn't lag that much, but on home networks if you wanting 2 play cs just buy you a long cable man.. It looks ghetto, but it gets the job done..

-FA- hoody
October 29th, 2003, 01:48 PM
Everybody needs a little ghetto in their life. I love to afro-engineer.

Oh yeah, duct tape fixes everything. A little off the subject but I thought I would just throw that in there.
