View Full Version : Something else that may help 56kers

October 8th, 2003, 05:58 PM
I was reading up some more on the cl_flushentity packets, as well as other net_send errors and I may have found something else to help 56kers not get lagged out AS MUCH. Set fps_modem to 30 or 40 then lower your fps_max to the same and while it might be a little choppy, the flushentity and net sends may not occur as much. I was getting them real bad today and after i made that adjustment my ping stayed around 200-250 and I played for about an hour.

Apparently what happens is that cs sets fps_modem to 0 for default and then when you up your fps_max to 60, 75, or 100 its sending too much data through the line and causes you to be forced out (i think...hmmmm or not, sounds good though...LOL!)

Hope this helps.


October 8th, 2003, 07:24 PM
The only thing to help 56kers is to get broadband :D

October 8th, 2003, 11:19 PM
well theyre installing mine on Friday so :p


October 8th, 2003, 11:37 PM
I think its time we had my custom.hpk file talk. You know there comes a time in a mans life when his bandwidth starts to.... oh.... lag a little. This is no big deal; you see this happens to us all, I am sure others will agree. You must remember to say calm, getting upset will only take you that much closer to setting your house on fire while proclaiming out loud that ARPAnet should be reinstated, believe me I kno..... I know someone else... not me... who is already like this. So remember kids, don't do drugs, where gloves when handling explosives, and empty your custom.hpk file when possible
