View Full Version : Return of the King

September 30th, 2003, 05:18 AM

September 30th, 2003, 07:08 AM
ok excuse me I got to go clean my pants.......... that rocks more than the first trailer..

September 30th, 2003, 07:10 AM
BTW... me a Tech are planning on getting a group together to go and see movie....... All intrested in making the trip need to get with us and set up a night that will be good.......

September 30th, 2003, 07:15 AM
man, i just got through watching the two towers on the weekend!!
wish i could go with you guys but it would be a 6 hr drive :(

September 30th, 2003, 07:35 AM
w00t! That freakin rocked!

Yeah, we want to get a group together to see this movie (as well as Matrix)...all those interested, well, we have a couple months... :)

September 30th, 2003, 09:21 AM
I'm so excited to see this movie. It looks awesome.

September 30th, 2003, 10:01 AM
Where would yall go and see it..? somoehwee in lousian i assume.. me being on border of AR, i might make it.. be cool to meet yall :p: and yes, return to the king will pwn j00 and m3.

September 30th, 2003, 10:04 AM
Probably either in Funroe or Shreveport

September 30th, 2003, 11:52 AM
If ya'll happen to do it in Shreveport, I'll probably come up.

September 30th, 2003, 06:15 PM
OMG sweet. I'll be setting up some for a show in West Monroe.

October 1st, 2003, 11:05 AM
was that agent smith near the begining??? i havent seen any of them so i dont know.:confused:

October 5th, 2003, 04:24 PM
looks like i'll be skipping school for that :D

October 5th, 2003, 04:43 PM
Hey if you decide Shreveport I'm up for that guy's.
