View Full Version : wth?? FFVII-2??

September 28th, 2003, 03:21 PM
I just read in this months GMR mag that Square/Enix will be announcing the "unexpected sequel to Final Fantasy VII--FFVII-2, featuring the return of Cloud, Sephiroth, and...Aerith". I certainly hope this is a fact.. That is my fav FF!!!!

September 29th, 2003, 12:47 AM
yes there is one in works and has been for sometime square has just been keeping it hush hush. now offically there has been no said word from square but info keeps leeking out about the game. only thing though dont expect Aries (its spelled diffrently on somes, im guessing you got the copy with it as aerith, weird huh you did know that right...) to return shes dead, why? because that made sephiroth the most evil and cruel villin to ever grace video games, i was shocked to when that big A!! Sword went threw her, face it shes dead. also game is supposed to take place 10 years or so after FFVII so there ya have it you get to see what happened after saving the planet. still though VII was not the best in the series, if your a die hard fantasy fan like me you would have played all 10 of the games plus all the spin offs and win them all, and to me the best 3 games were FFIV, FFIX, and Tatics. those three had the best stories of all X and VII were great to though. heres some links.



September 29th, 2003, 12:51 AM
well maybe not seeing as how i just read the latest news post at squarehaven, but still i do think the game will be coming...maybe not anytime soon though.

September 29th, 2003, 04:14 AM
Well I'm a pretty solid fan of the Final Fantasy series, though not quite as dedicated as you.. I've played and beat all the games through VII..... Just started playin VII again as a matter of fact... never beat VIII, IX, or X.....(Didn't like the game play in VII at all) After having kids, gettin married, and starting school, I just never can find the time to play...I do own all of them... For me, VII's game play and story are the best total package...FFIII or FFVI, however you look at it, is probably a close second... Aries is the name in my copy, but the post is a direct quote from GMR magazine... Also a lot of peeps were saying that they were coming out with a DVD movie that would carry on the story from FFVII, but no game.. That's why the story in the mag took me by surprise.. I posted here because I knew you would know more about the subject.. Thanx 4 the heads up..

September 29th, 2003, 02:32 PM
Mike just needs a life. But yeah Final Fantasy 7: Part 2, not FFVII2 Mike ;) has got to be awesome, 7 was the only one I ever got hooked on.

September 29th, 2003, 04:28 PM
no it will be like this Final Fantasy VII-2,it is part 2 to VII, look at X's next game, Final Fantasy X-2 , its not spelled final fantasy x part 2

October 18th, 2003, 01:53 AM
i thought it was 2 years after thay killed him? or is that the movie only?

October 18th, 2003, 07:16 PM
i knew someone bought a ticket to see the movie but had no clue who.. now we know.. ^^^

October 18th, 2003, 11:53 PM
hes talking about the video game VII not the movie.... though i will still say the i have mixed feelings about the movie.... it wasnt done right.

October 19th, 2003, 08:23 PM
I wanna check the movie out anyway, but a new game is wut I'm lookin for.... How's the new one Omega?

October 20th, 2003, 02:20 AM
no the moive about ff7 not the other ff CGI moive.

October 25th, 2003, 06:46 PM
Lol I just started playing FF7 again, i heare about the sequel, i hope its great..

October 25th, 2003, 07:13 PM
FFXI is great man very much worth the 12 dollas a month, all in all its classic FFXI but the Battle system is gonna take some getting used to, also dont think your going to buy a very hard story driven game if you get it, remember its online play but yes the story element is still there. I only got to play about 2 days of the beta but trust me its freaking sweet! I know ive got alot to get used to because this is going to be my first morph rpg, but still it felt like a FF game so no big deal to me.

October 25th, 2003, 07:16 PM
you were asking about the movie, i will say this it was okay... now the way it should of been done is how The Lord Of The Rings movies are... but with FF aspects. it should of been based on the fantasy and not the whole si-fi thing they done with the movie. when i say fantasy i mean the summons,black mages, ect..... with real actors! but still its a okay flick.

October 26th, 2003, 05:07 PM
I wus asking about the game... I wish I had some cash...i'd buy it.

February 17th, 2004, 03:22 PM
Yea Spark, u might know this but its expected to be finished between summer-fall of '04

February 17th, 2004, 04:46 PM
i'll play the VII-2 and wait for the freakin advent children movie. the best 2 final fantasies to me were III and VII cause terra was a reserved badass and cloud was too :D

February 17th, 2004, 06:42 PM
its a game or a movie? doh

February 18th, 2004, 12:32 PM
aCid boon there is a Movie and a Game.

The thing about the game was i heard it was about Vincent ehile he was a turk through after the final battle with sephiroth.(other sources tell me its another wacky adventure for cloud.SEPHIROTH SHOULD BE A PLAYABLE CHAR. IN THIS GAME or so i have heard)
