View Full Version : CC: General's: Zero Hour

September 27th, 2003, 08:59 AM
This expansion is DEFINATELY worth getting for anyone that enjoyed the original Generals game. They've added some new solo missions for all of the different armies (USA, China, and GLA). They've also added a brand new option in the game called Skirmish (set up for solo play) that allows you to choose which army you want to command and then sets you up versus a single computer opponent. The difference between this and setting up your own skirmish is that your computer opponent is ALREADY setup when the game starts, he gives you like 5 min to build up your defenses and then he starts sending in his army (which means you have to build everything up QUICK). Also, the opponents camp is HUGE, looks like it takes up the whole other side of the map. I havent had more than about 10 mins to really look at the game, but it is definately another game that Im going to have to find some time to play (along with everything else Im playing....LMAO!)

October 23rd, 2003, 11:38 AM
I have got it. Be ready to be Gibletized some more. Zero hour rocks.

October 23rd, 2003, 11:42 AM
me wants :) I need to go pick that up.
