View Full Version : cl_fLUSHENTITYPACKET

September 16th, 2003, 06:20 PM

Got this message today CONSTANTLY. My ping would jump from 76 to over 3000 (I saw it one time at 4549...).

What's causing this?

September 16th, 2003, 06:34 PM
Did u plug up the 33.6k modem just 2 see how bad ur lag would be... w00t!!

September 16th, 2003, 07:05 PM
um...no. this is my hi-tech vable modem.

September 16th, 2003, 07:22 PM
yeah i get the same thing when i enter the game i choose t or ct and after i choose i get the flust entity packet message what could that be???? it cant be becasue im 56k cuase it never did it like this b4. it used to happen every so often so i figured it was just something stupid and if i reconnected b4 i would just start playing again now i cant even get on a team it's ticking me off. i dont play for the longest time and now i wanna play and i cant ERRRRR!!!! please help

September 17th, 2003, 07:12 AM
Come on tell em what to do Trey......

September 17th, 2003, 07:23 AM
hey man, i got it, and i never lag/ :P , but seriously seems like most people got it yesterday, and even if i lag sometimes taht was first time i got those darn packets, so i say it was server.

And all it means it was it said, bad packets gettin sent to you, could be bad cable, or 2 much bandwidth usage between u and server, or just server 'messin' up.

P.S. maybe this should be in screenshots forum, w00t 16-4 wut up!?!

September 17th, 2003, 07:29 AM
its the RIAA

September 17th, 2003, 08:05 AM
Spector, you b00n! I was posting that to show my ping! I give you permission to copy it to the SS forum if you want though. ;)

September 17th, 2003, 08:19 AM
That's not a ping, that's a zip code.


September 17th, 2003, 09:34 AM
Called Cox (pronounced...well, nevermind) last night.

"Cox Communications, this is Michelle. How can I help you?"
"Yeah, I am on the HIGH speed internet and am having some serious ping issues in Ruston, LA."
"You're having what?"
"High ping issues..."
"What's that?"
"Latency issues...a high ping, you know...like the internet is VEEERRRYYY SLLLOOOOOWWWW"
"Oh, I see. Haven't heard that term before. How can I help you?"
"*insert frustrated laugh* Weeeell, I would like to have HIGH SPEED internet...like I am paying for."
"Have you tried rebooting your computer?"
"Yes ma'am. To make this easier on you, I am a computer technician. I know quite alot about computers and I know what makes them work. I even know when there is a problem with the cable line that has nothing to do with my computer."
"So, you've rebooted your computer then"
"Please hold...*sound of me rebooting my PC* It's rebooting now."
*time elapsed*
"Ok, so are you able to connect to the internet now?"
"Ma'am, I can connect to the internet, yes. Is it HIGH SPEED? No."
"HAve you rebooted your cable modem?"
"*frustrated sigh* Yes, would you like me to do it again though?"
"Please reboot your cable modem."
"*laughs* Sure thing. *reboots cable modem and waits for 30 seconds then plugs it back in* Ok...it's plugged back in"
"Now, the light should blink for a while (insert a pic of me rolling my eyes and nodding like an idiot)...let me know when it stops blinking"
*insert 5 minute silence because I am waiting like I was asked to*
"Sir, are you there?"
"Yep, you said to wait to tell you when it stopped blinking. It hasn't stopped yet"
"Oh, well, you have a problem then"
"*insert mental pic of me mouthing the words, "NO S***!!!"* Yes ma'am, I sure do."
"Well, that's all I can do. I'll send a technician out there tomorrow to look at your line."

The joys of working with people that don't know what they are doing.

September 17th, 2003, 09:55 AM
omg tech, if you remeber when i was having DSL problems back in mississippi, that sounds soo familair... and i bet you 10 bucks the first thing the guy does is have you reboot, then hell look at the modem for about 5 mins unpluggin it and re screwing in the connection.. THEN he will follow the line and check the ports.. after that they will discover that it was a line issue either at the port, or at thier office...

i swear i think thats the same girl too..

September 17th, 2003, 10:04 AM
and tech, this only shows that she doesnt know squat about computers, and is sitting in front of a computer with a help desk program where she just says what it tells her to say, and she doesnt even pay attention to what you are telling her. Those programs are funny if you have ever seen one,

Step one: Answer Phone
Step two: Get the Customers Name and Computer Type
Step three: Ask problem
Step four: breath
Step five: pretend to care about what the customer is saying and tell him/her to reboot
Step six: wait for the customer to say that the computer has rebooted
Step seven: If customer says its still a problem have him/her turn off computer and unplug all cords from modem and have them wait 30 seconds.
Step seven: After 30 seconds tell him/her to replug everything and wait for the little lights to go solid. Then have them start up the computer.
Step eight: If problem occurs put them on hold for 30mins while you are "trying to locate a technition"
Step nine: After 30 mins ask if they are still there then put them on hold for 5 more mins
Step ten: give them a horrible time for a tech to come out to thier house and repeat the last steps.

September 17th, 2003, 10:08 AM
lmao,i think we've all experienced that...i know i have...lmao

September 17th, 2003, 10:33 AM
Yeah, actually the time she gave me for a tech to come over to my house was "Sometime tomorrow"...I mean, how more vague can you get?!

September 17th, 2003, 08:43 PM
sometimes i put my rate at like 500 to make my ping go that high and would blame my score on my lagg LoL hahahahha doh my secret is out.. LoL

September 18th, 2003, 05:07 AM
Ok, the guy came over here yesterday and he seemed to know what he was doing. He called Cox and was asking about my *.cfg file (he asked me if I haxed it!). They told him that my rates were: UpStream: 128 (normal) and Downstream: 0 (FAR FAR from normal). He said, "Um, Downstream of 0 mean's he can't download anything." They reset it to 1024. After about 5 minutes, it reset itself to 0. Needless to say, they still haven't figured out what is going wrong.
