View Full Version : September 11th, 2001

September 10th, 2003, 09:40 PM
Very soon, the United States will mark the 2 year anniversary of the tragic September 11th attacks on our country.

This is our Pearl Harbor. This is our JFK.

I will never forget where I was, or what I was doing that morning as I turned on the news and saw the first reports of what was happening in New York. I watched "live" as the second plane slammed into the other tower. I watched "live" as people escaped. I watched "live" as those buildings fell back down to Earth. So many scenes nobody would ever dream of seeing... Those scenes etched forever in our minds.

May God bless those that died honorably that day (the firemen, the policemen, the medical professionals, the people at work, the people on the planes), those that have died honorably since (those in the military - not only American, but all other countries as well) and those that will give their lives honorably in the future. And may God continue to Bless America!!!

Never forget September 11th, 2001


September 11th, 2003, 01:46 AM
I was watching it as well my brother....had to leave to go to my 11AM class....a day I'll never forget, and a feeling inside I wish I could....

September 11th, 2003, 09:13 AM
I was in my 7am class and when i saw the report me and 95% of my Class left i sat at my mom's work (im was only 18) and watchin that it look like people we frozen in time. Man that day will stay with me for t he rst of my Life :iwo

"They Terriost have attacked This country and the only thing that they have done is made us Stronger as a whole"


September 11th, 2003, 11:08 AM
I remember it well. I was working away at my desk when some guy called into the radio and said "Hey, the World Trade Center is on fire, someone said a plane hit it." The DJ's were like "Whatever d00d!" Then we went to the lounge and saw the second plane hit... Had to clear my head, so we went get coffee and watched the Pentagon burning and the first tower fall at the coffee shop. Strange thing was, everyone just kept on working the rest of the day but it was like we were all in a daze...

Little Birdy
September 11th, 2003, 11:30 AM
My sophomore year in High School... Entered my second period class with the TV on... It was unusual for the Chemistry teacher to have his TV on... I went and sat at my desk on the far side of the room... Looked up to the "Live" news coverage... I saw the second hit and couldn't believe that it was real...

Last year and this year, my school had a memorial service by the flag pole to honour the people that were there. I hope more schools and places can have memorial services so that we will never forget. As LaTech said... "This is our Pearl Harbor. This is our JFK."... We have this story to remember forever and to tell to our kids and grandkids...

Never Forget!


September 11th, 2003, 11:52 AM
I was actually sleeping when my alarm clock went off at around 6:30. The first words I hear that morning were "A second plane just stuck the World Trade Center." I watched as the first tower fell but I was supposed to be in court so I got dressed and left. I was in the car when the second tower fell. Needless to say when I got to court...there was no court that day. It's right next to LAX and the erriest thing was there were no planes in the sky or moving around on the ground......it still wierds me out.


September 11th, 2003, 12:16 PM
On my way to work at the airport friends and family started calling me on the cell phone asking what was happening in New York. Had no clue at this point. My pager then went off with a page from the airport saying "all flights in the US have been cancelled and all aircraft are being diverted to alternate airports." This was the moment that really hit me. Those of us that work in the aviation industry know what it means to cancel all flights and ground them. I knew something really bad was going on.

Got to work and started my class that I teach on airport security. The secretary in the front had a TV on, and I was checking in during breaks in the class. At that point the first tower came down and I relayed the information to my class. Some girl in the back of the class burst into tears.

The next two weeks the airport was a very strange place to work. There were checkpoints on the access road where we had to show our ID's and state where we worked. As you got closer to the airport they had to call up to the command center to verify you could park in the garage. National Guard troops showed up shortly thereafter and began patrolling the ticket lobby and concourses.

The hardest part through all this was that we still had a job to do and never really got a chance for it to set in. It wasn't until about a month later that I was sitting on the beach in Gulf Shores and began to reflect on all the lives that were lost and how our world has changed.

A day that I will never forget...

September 11th, 2003, 02:47 PM
i was working that day. for those of you that dont know, i am one of, http://www.goarmy.com/jobs/mos/mos98C.htm these. i didnt get to see any footage right away but lemme just say the place went insaneand not just the building i was working in. just about everyone in augusta seemed to be trying to get on post thinking they would be safe here. i was supposed to go meet my parents in a cabin they rented in nc that weekend but i couldnt leave the augusta area so they came to visit on their way home. I went out to meet them at a wendy's still in my bdu's cause i had just gotten off work and ill never forget the feeling. i had people comming up to me left and right saying thank you, shaking my hand, saluting, hugging, saying good luck, etc. that was amazing. i used to think alot of times it seems like a lot of americans dont care about one another or their country but i have never seen that much unity brought out in a group of people anywhere.

September 11th, 2003, 03:22 PM
Yep I was working at my desk when someone said,"I heard a small plane hit the WTC..I was like wtf are you talking about, then we turned on one of the many TV's around here and just watched in confusion the next few hours as all hell broke loose. I think when we heard that a fouth plane was hijacked it was like..."How many, and what can possibly happen next????". Everyone wanted to go home so bad, but work had to continue especially in our business, telephones. Then the estimated death tolls started to roll in of what could have been the total if not for
<------ the many hero's that gave the ultimate sacrifice. That really made my stomach hit the back of my throat. I can say I finally "felt safe" when that afternoon we heard the f-15's scream overhead as they patrolled the sky. This great country bonded like never before and we shall never forget.......

September 11th, 2003, 03:30 PM
I was in my junior year at college, was waiting for class to start when I heard all this yelling in the halls about what was going on and I was like "No Way, couldnt be happening." Next thing I know all classes for the day are canceled and Im running over to my ex-girlfriends apartment just after the second plane hit the towers and then I watch both of them fall. Lets just say that it is an image ill never forget, especially since I can say that ive visited the smaller of the two towers and been all the way up to the observation floor.

September 11th, 2003, 03:40 PM
I myself was in the shower gettin ready to goto my first college class of the day when my roomate came running in and said come look at this. I grabed my towel and ran downstairs and watched in amazment as they where showin clips of the first plane. Then i saw live the second plane hit. I was so shocked. But i think what shocked me the most was my roomate just went upstairs. I never knew why he went upstairs untill i shouted that the pentagon had just been hit. He came back down with a bag packed, apparently while i was watching the TV he went upstairs to pack... he is in the air national guard apart of the Security Forces Unit. He never complained about haveing to leave his whole semester behind, or his girlfriend, who he is married to now. He has already served 2 terms in the middle east since that day and i have never respected anyone more then i have him.

September 18th, 2003, 12:03 AM
On that day i was in class, a junior in highschool. Right after 1st period everyone was out in the hallways like yelling what was going on and the news spread VERY quickly.. Everyone ran into a classroom 2 see what was going on, school wasn't called off but we were allowed 2 leave as we pleased. I stayed around and talked about what was going on and like we all just watched it all day, like it seemed 2 be frozen in our minds, like it was all in slow motion. I can remember everything that was going throught my head at the time, i can remember everything that everyone was saying about it and like i still get choked up like whenever there is a special on TV about it and like peeps get on and talk about it. This country has really pulled together over that, u say nething about that and people immediatly begin 2 listen to you and hear out ur entire story. It is a day that WE will NEVER forget...

Loner Damage
March 25th, 2004, 07:12 PM
I work in one liberty plaza downtown manhattan exactly 100 feet across the street from the trade center i remembered everything in this order.I got a call with customer about 1 million dollar error on his side so I started handling it when i was suppose to be in windows of the world by 9:00am which is on the 110th floor in the world trade center so i sent 3 of my guys to go and take note while im running alittle late with the customer so around 8:46 first plane hit the tower i didnt notice anything right away.Then i saw burning paper and smoke flying all over the place then news report came on and said small plane hit the world trade center at that time i looked out my window and saw this big whole about the 80th floor then moments later i watch with my own eyes 2nd plane smaking into the tower then i turned my windows blew out right on top of me and my workers so we ran out to broadway and watched everything unfold peeps jumping and hitting the ground then i waited to see if my friends were ok b/c I personally sent them to there deaths and i cant ever forgive myself for that.then the tower collapsed and i started running from the wall of clouded debris by the time i reached brooklyn bridge i was engulfed by the cloud.I couldnt even breathed but i told my self get to brooklyn across the bridge before they started bombing that so i took off with mad peeps like cattle crossing the bridge then second tower fell that cloud went right thru us to the other side of brooklyn across the river.When i got to the other side thank god there were citizens helping out with gallons of water washing our eyes and mouth out from the debris.I just want to thank god and say a pray to all those who lost friends and family like i did and to the heros also.Amen

March 25th, 2004, 07:22 PM
I, like Maverick was in my Junior year at Francis Marion University, sitting in a biology class when a secretary ran into the room screaming that a plane had flown into the World Trade Center and that the World Trade Center had fell on to the Pentagon....

We all looked at her like she was nuts and went on about class - it wasn't until that class was over that I found out what REALLY happened. Classes were cancelled and I went to Alberty's office (my music prof.) and watched the whole thing unfold on TV...

Very sad day indeed.

March 25th, 2004, 08:58 PM
i was in the car driving to school, up I-20 to Ruston from West Monroe. I was listening to NPR when the news story broke in. At that time they didn't really know what happened, the reporter said that a plane crashed into the world trade center and it was believed to be a navigational error. By that time, i was in the parking lot and going to class. After class, I walked into the cafeteria to get a bite to eat, and I looked up to the TV to see the first tower colapse. I will never forget that feeling....

March 26th, 2004, 08:42 AM
I almost lost my Aunt in Sept 11
But she did not go to work because of a doctor app.. Thank God

March 26th, 2004, 06:53 PM
I was out of work due to a wrist injury, and was going to have it operated on the folowing day. I got up that morning to the 2 towers burning on live T.V. then I watched them fall one after the other. I sat there in disbelief at what I was seing. I wont forget it, and I dont care what any democrate or liberal says about our president, he did what needed to be done.

March 27th, 2004, 03:48 PM
I was in my First hour class(6th grade) when i heard. the whole school stayed in our first hour classes for the rest of the day. I was nearly wishing i had the power to Revive all og the fallen, No one deserved that just because of some Idiot was jellous.
I was mad for the rest of the day

I would hope that they are Having a good time in there afterlife

God Bless all the ones who lost there lives
