View Full Version : Just Another Day At The Nichols'

August 30th, 2003, 04:57 PM
I wrote these two emails to our good friend Tracker the other day. I thought I would post it here to see if any of you other parents out there can relate...

Email #1: 8/28/03 9:30am

Bed...4am Sissy being stubborn (but giggling and soooooo cute)

Up...8:30am Logan pries my eye open and announces that it's daytime...time to get up. (how can you not laugh at that!)

Mmmmmmmmm.......coffee good

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Email #2: 8/28/03 6:00pm

Diapers changed, laundry going, dishes done.....I Rock!

Sissy stripped off her diapies again. Just pee-peed on the hardwood floor. While I get a towel, she tries to stand up and walk but falls and rolls in it....5 or 6 times.

Sissy gets a bath.

Logan upset now. He wants a bath.

Okay, diapers changed, laundry going, dishes done, floor cleaned up AND both kids bathed.....I Totally Rock!

Time to feed clean baby some solid food. Figures...every other spoonful...whack, both baby hands fly at the spoon. Logan also insisting on being spoon-fed breakfast. I multi-task.

Baby food cleaned off of table, carpet, highchair, baby and mommy. Logan done too. Dishes cleared. I Rock!

Holding Sissy on floor for a moment of snuggle time. Sweet Logan nestled next to me. Logan jets up to get something and he and Sissy collide heads. Sissy screaming. Logan yelling "mommy". Starting to appear as if this day might suck.

Daddy on icq. He'll try to stop by for a visit since he has to be in Long Beach for business. Yippee! I'll snag a moment of quiet time out back.

Changing poopy panties for Sissy and hear daddy's car pull up. Just in time! I can use that break. Wait. Two voices. He brought his partner with him? Oh God, rinse armpits, put on a bra, brush hair, it's no good...put on a hat, find my "gracious hostess attitude". All is good...i rock!

Short visit. No break, but daddy promises me some mommy free time when he gets home from work. Need caffeine. Get a large Diet Pepsi on ice and sit. Logan wants a sip. Sure. Sissy sees an opportunity and whacks it out of his hands. I run for a towel and come back. Sissy now squatting down and sucking carpet. There's enough there to make a puddle, what the hell.

Mess sopped up, kids wiped down, last load of laundry in washer, running on a coffee fueled frenzy. i rock?

It's 4:30. I can last. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Hey, there's the phone. It's daddy. He's gotta serve a warrant. Won't be home till late. I don't rock...I AM a rock. That light at the end of the tunnel? A train.

Having cigarette number 157. Lungs collapsing. It's okay. I see the light again....it's calling to me...

:help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help :help

August 30th, 2003, 06:00 PM
hehehehehehe......I feel ur pain sister..... I have been home with my wife and kids for a grand total of 8 mos in the last 2 and 1 half years.... I recieve e-mails everyday with similar stories..... Sad part is she gets NO mommy free time at all... Now there are some rare moments when I'm in town and can try to settle into dad mode, but I AINT NO G00D AT IT....we're beyond poopy diapers...now its just poopy butt..... As a matter of fact today is a daddy day 4 me because the wife is at work... I am once again reminded how wonderful u mommies r... dadies r b n00bs.. at least I am..LOL

August 30th, 2003, 06:32 PM
OMG! I will never have kids now! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

August 30th, 2003, 09:37 PM
hehehehehehehe.... The g00d times far exceed the bad tech...except when they figure out what markers are, and how colorful the tv, walls, doors, floors, frig, ect will look if they decorate!!! AHHHHHHHH!!

August 30th, 2003, 09:50 PM
Hey Spark...ever see this one floating around the web? The title is "Why markers don't make good xmas presants"

August 30th, 2003, 10:04 PM
Oh man, do I ever know how you feel! And the thing that really pisses me off is...WHAT DO YOU DO ALL DAY? Of course that question comes from friends and relatives that work full time and take the kids to daycare. Some days I would love to switch places with them, but then I have to remember that it is worth all the spilled messes, dirty diapers, sibling fights, etc!

August 30th, 2003, 10:13 PM
Thats the best thing and they are the cutest kids in the world....

August 31st, 2003, 12:36 AM
my boys usu. paint themselves.....the other day the older one got a dose of timeout for throwing a scoope of ice cream on the kid next to him...Head sh0t of coarse...that same day the other one felt the need to say no and fling his little paw at a teacher.. in the process there was some incidental contact, so it became a big he hit the teacher deal... I know it'll only get worse man....ahhhhh! BTW I'm gonna try and post a couple pics of the young whiper snappers so be on the look out....>hint< (POST URS)

August 31st, 2003, 12:56 AM
The Widow has me making a freaking motion picture. I feeling like friggin George Lucus in here with the Sound Forge open, video editing software burning up the HD and cables.....OMG!!! THE CABLES!!! They are everywhere. All this for about 40 seconds of video. It's 1158 pm...do you know where your BB is??



August 31st, 2003, 01:22 AM
hehehehehehehehehe....we aint dat smart round dees parts f00!.... u get stills of my youngins 3rd b day party....LMAO

August 31st, 2003, 07:04 AM
hats off to all the mommy's and daddy's out there. It is a never ending task as I learned after my nieces visited for about 4 days a couple of month's ago. Friends that came over during that time said they were "good" kids compared to some. AHHHHHHHHH, I am so scared now, LOL. We may have some rug-rats in a year or two(trying to get school loans paid off.) But I was absolutly amazed at the constant, never ending life that goes with having children. My wife still twitches when I bring up the kids coming for another visit.lol. All in all It wasa good taste of parent-hood, except we got to give them back after a couple days. Anyway, anyone with children gets a big-ole w00t from sling, I have a new respect for the parents out there. I am amazed my parents arnt in the nut house by now.:):):):):):):)

August 31st, 2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
OMG! I will never have kids now! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Oh, but Tech...look what you'd be missing out on...

(right click and save)

August 31st, 2003, 07:14 PM
I love the video! How old are the kids? They are adorable!

August 31st, 2003, 07:47 PM
Kiley is now one, and Logan is three. They are such awesome kids. Even better if you get the chance to play with them!

August 31st, 2003, 07:57 PM
I bet they are awesome!!! Our kids are almost 5 and almost 3. Michael will be 5 in a week and Annalee will be 3 in a few weeks. It just amazes me sometimes. All kids are precious. Thanks for sharing that video, I really enjoyed watching it!

August 31st, 2003, 09:11 PM
hmmmm pretty close to mine...my youngest, connor, just turned 3 Aug.8, and the older, Annan, will be 5 Nov. 3rd.....

August 31st, 2003, 09:34 PM
Yep, that's pretty close! Michael will be 5 September 8th and Annalee will be 3 September 26th.

September 1st, 2003, 01:36 AM
yeah they are great kids. and sissy is my little buddy..Hey CS tell her WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for me..and tell logan HI :D lol......

