View Full Version : Linux Distro's.

July 13th, 2003, 12:37 PM
Hey guys,
I've been starting to play around with Linux some on my desktop just to learn about how it works/directory structure/ installing drivers/packages/configuring the various built in servers, ect.

My first Linux experiance was Red Hat 7.2 and that was a little over a year ago I guess...played with it a while, and got bored with nothing to do, so went back to windows...
Since then I've tried Mandrake 8.1, which I liked, after using Red Hat 7 because it was so much easier to configure, and I could get more stuff working. Then I took another hiatus from Linux, came back and tried Red Hat 9. HATED it...I did like the Bluecurve interface, and the speed, but I could not get my Nvidia video card working w/ 3d acceleration - every time I loaded nvidia's driver, X wouldn't load. So, I most recently tried Mandrake's latest offering, 9.1. I am able to get everything to work, 3D, video playback, internet radio, ect. I'm just not fully satisfyed with the distro itself...it makes things to graphical...I think I've outgrown it.

I started messing with linux to learn how it works, in case I ever needed to work on a Linux box, but I don't think I'm going to get that from Mandrake - it's too newbie oriented.

Anybody know of a good distro I should try out? I've thought of Suse, or even giving Red Hat another try since I have been able to get 3D working in mandrake...maybe I was doing something wrong.

Anyway I'm open for suggestions. I blew Mandrake away, and rebuilt my XP MBR for now, so I'm going to take a break and enjoy just using the computer for a while...lol.

July 13th, 2003, 12:41 PM
slackware, debian, or gentoo. After you learn those, learn how to use a few UNIX distros (mainly freebsd and openbsd).

oh and don't install the X server, always use console. you will learn more ^^

July 13th, 2003, 12:51 PM
All versions of Unix and all versions of Linux are usually on the same level. The only difference may be the amount/types of additional packages that come with each.

If you use console, they will pretty much all look the same. Take your pick, gnome or kde. You can configure either one to look like any type of linux distro you want.

A unix/linux box is only as stable/efficient/secure as its admin.

July 13th, 2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_i||ega|-op

A unix/linux box is only as stable/efficient/secure as its admin.

hehehe...Max just got cyber pimp slapped.


July 13th, 2003, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the tips guys - I do want to learn the command line aspect, especially being an old DOS guy...

Anyway - I'm very knowledgable in the areas of Windows/Mac and just want to expand my horizions a bit - always been a learner by nature. I have a little 366MHz Compaq here I've been thinking about trying to tackle FreeBSD on and not loading X at all. That is my ultimate goal, just don't think I'm ready for it yet...hehe.

July 13th, 2003, 03:21 PM
I find freebsd to be easier then anything I've ever used. Like I said above.. if your trying to learn *nix for a job.. never use any desktop of any kind. Companies never install the X server with it (considering the tons of exploits for it).

Just don't be scared of it. The only way to learn is trial and error.

July 13th, 2003, 07:09 PM
Not really for a job - I work in a Microsoft shop, and hope to be there for quite a while :-P

I d/led BSD about a week ago, but haven't done anything with it yet - may try it and see what I can do...I do know SOME *nix command, but have a feeling I'd better get a book...lol.

July 13th, 2003, 07:09 PM
I'd say go for debian, then maybe move on to Gentoo. Avoid rpm based distros like the plague!!!

apt-get install is teh r0xor!!

July 13th, 2003, 08:55 PM
hmm I would have to say to never use the "automatic software installation" stuff that comes with the different distributions. I find it hard to trust them.. since you have no real control to check the source code. With the servers I run, nobody is allowed to run any closed-source software. Before anything is ran, I run a source code checker that we made that checks for backdoors etc in the software.

I'm sure you can find a public source code checker on freshmeat.net. In other words, I suggest that you always compile and install the software yourself.

"I work in a microsoft shop" sorry but I have to laugh :P (me = anti-ms).

July 13th, 2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by zeatoR

"I work in a microsoft shop" sorry but I have to laugh :P (me = anti-ms).

I like to eat.

July 13th, 2003, 09:23 PM
I do have to say, the merc site sux when viewed through Lynx...lol. I wound up loading an old version of redhat on the 366 (I loaned all my Linux CD's to a buddy for the weekend).

Lynx was the only prog I knew how to run (how sad).

July 13th, 2003, 09:48 PM
Try w3m instead of lynx

December 6th, 2003, 06:15 PM
Pulling this thread back up - I put together a Duron 900 out of spare parts I had lying around, and decided to "feed" my linux bug again.

Loading Slackware 9.1 now. Looking forward to playing around w/ it. Glad I had played around w/ some more "newbie" distro's first, and the slackware installer isn't much help...lol.

I've heard from various places that slackware is one of the best distros, so we shall see <evil grin>

December 7th, 2003, 12:34 PM
Well, Slackware/KDE is up and running quite nicely on the Duron - I'm very impressed w/ this distro - none of the marketing crap of the other distro's - in fact, once it's installed, you can't tell it's "slackware" - just that it's Linux.

I spent most of last night trying to get it AND wireless working on my laptop, but to no avail. :(. Slackware loaded fine, but I coulnd't get that darn wireless card to work for crap!!!

Anyway - I WAS going to load Mandrake up on the Duron, but I'm glad I went w/ Slackware, it was a good learning experiance, and I felt like I accomplished something when it worked! w00h00!
