View Full Version : Question..

July 6th, 2003, 09:59 PM
Howdy Fellas,

This is your old friend [g0ds]Fr0st..Back in the day of Bayou Fragfest. Umm, I haven't really played CS since then, and I just now relized that I'm banned again. =\
You guys said you didn't have any hard feelings about us, and I thought there wasn't, but somewhere along the line..I was banned. I was just wondering, since I'm starting to play again, and I'm not in any clan...Can I be unbanned? =P

P.S. Sorry if this was the wrong place to post =\


July 6th, 2003, 10:16 PM
I will check with the admins and let you know.

July 6th, 2003, 10:23 PM
Let me make sure I am think of the right person. You were Hitman, right?

July 6th, 2003, 10:34 PM
Yeah, that's me....
You guys where letting me play on the server before Fragfest..and then all the g0ds member where banned, so I didn't bother playing..and then I quit for a while =\

July 7th, 2003, 02:21 AM
who is this Fr0st kid?

O.o btw henry is secski :) i wubz u big guy

July 7th, 2003, 02:22 AM
yeah he is isn't he. makes ya wanna jump on him!

July 12th, 2003, 10:47 AM
great job on deleting the post I made telling the truth about "lamerc". Typical americans ^^

July 12th, 2003, 12:31 PM
wth are talking about zeator? "Typical Americans" is not a way to engraciate yourself around here.


July 12th, 2003, 02:20 PM
I mean like covering up the truth, which is what the "american government" does.. so do most americans :)

btw it's not nice to capitalize "americans" :p

July 12th, 2003, 02:48 PM
Could you be ANY dumber? If your trying to upset people, you're doing a good job. It is very much in your best interest to back away from the anti-American comments. For someone who likes to put down the USA you must not be very proud of your heritage bacause it is conspicuously missing from you profile....you must be french. Note the lower case "f". Actually, Zeator could be german....basicaly the same thing. The USA is a free country but that won't stop me from breaking off a lil love ala Cold War USSR. You might find yourself permanently MIA from LA_MERC.


July 12th, 2003, 02:51 PM
BTW, none of the admins know anything about this phantom missing post of yours. You sure you didn't post it on some other board somewhere? You don't strike me as being too bright.


July 12th, 2003, 03:20 PM
lmao :bash

July 12th, 2003, 03:51 PM
Good job so far Zeator. You must really believe the media hype right now. Why don't you check out the on topic forums for some insight on the latest cover-up conjecture floating around?

I really hope you have specific accusations to your vague and inane claims.

Oh, and BTW, Americans is capitalized due to rules of the English language, but it seems your grasp of that concept is only slightly firmer than your grasp of the truth.

-FA- ManiacalClown
July 12th, 2003, 04:43 PM
Hey, here's an idea. Let's quit bashing ALL countries. That goes for the United States, France, Germany...ANY OF THEM.

All have their faults, and we could pick them apart day after day, but in the end, it's POINTLESS banter spiced with a dash of hypocrisy.

July 12th, 2003, 04:51 PM
I say if we're going to bash a country, let's bash one that has no military might whatsoever, and we can only say TRUE things about them. Hmm...now that I think about that, I don't knwo who that leaves.


July 12th, 2003, 05:34 PM
LMAO LaTech!!



Has anybody got an answer for Frost yet?

July 12th, 2003, 06:27 PM
It's a "free country". I'm from America, so is my family for as far back as I know. Just because I live here, doesn't mean I have to like it. Do I support the USA? no. Am I going to live here much longer? no. I'm probably going to move to germany or sweden. All of my friends and people I know from europe tend to be much smarter and nicer, not inbred hicks like a bunch of the lamerc people.

July 12th, 2003, 07:00 PM
Hey good job answering the questions laid out before you. And I challenge any one of your so called intellegentsia to challenege my inbred, hick self. Until then, perhaps you can be specific in your complaints rather than spout ideological generalizations.

And thanks for capitalizing now. :o

Alas, the folly of youth and inexperience.

Zeator, may I suggest that before you get irrepairably wrapped up in your ideolgical ideals, you take a few trips to third world countries and try to do some of the same things there that you do here. I predict you will find then the truth in the situation. As much as you may disagree with current steering trends or what not, at least you will understand how good you have it here. As far as Germany or Sweden, good luck with that as well. It is glaringly obvbious you neither understand their political or economic systems if you wish to go to either.

July 12th, 2003, 07:20 PM
in·bred ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nbrd)
Produced by inbreeding.
Fixed in the character or disposition as if inherited; deep-seated: an inbred distrust of radicalism. See Synonyms at innate.

hick ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hk) Informal
A person regarded as gullible or provincial: “New Yorkers had a horrid way of making people feel like hicks” (Louis Auchincloss).

Provincial; unsophisticated: a hick town.

Well, by definition inbred fits. I have a deep "inbred" disdain for people who speak about things that they know nothing or very little about. If you apply that statement to you, I guess that makes you the hick then huh?

Unless your ancestors are either American Indian or came over on the Mayflower (even the Mayflower applies) then they came here to get away from some form of persecution or to look for a better life. 1000s of people risk thier lives everyday to get to this country for a chance at the life and liberties you take for granted. I don't think Sweden or Germany (especially since the fall of Communism) have a huge immigration problem. Like Dirge said, maybe you should do a little research before you spout generalizations. I respect diffrent opinons as long as they are based in supported, researched facts. Blind stupidity is quite entertaining until it affects (and infects) others. You my child, amuse the hell out of me.


July 12th, 2003, 07:48 PM
lol..now that is out of the way...zeator you have every right to hate America, it is you God given right to feel that way, but i have a feeling that once you get to where ever your planning on living, that shortly thereafter you will wish you were back in the good ole U.S.A.

I have know several people that have left the US for one reason or another and move to other countries like Germany, Sweden, and Italy...they have all come back because of the economy and the lack of freedoms that we take for granted every day. All of them said it was extremely difficult to find a decent job due to the inhert racism (or i should say) jealousy of the American way of life. If you think it is hard to find a good job here in the US, then you are in for a rude awakening. If you dont go over there in a job transfer, then your chances of finding a job is almost nil. They dont want Americans to come in and take there jobs. So unless you have a bunch of friends that will support you, then good luck finding a place to live.

And have you ever once stopped to think about why so many people want to imagrate to America? And im not talking about the poor and destatute, im talking about the upper class families that have a good job and a decent life. Reason: They can make more of themselves in America and lead better lives here and have a better future for their children.

The company i work for is global with branches in the US, UK, Germany, Sweden, Switzland, China, Japan, Austriala, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and South America. And guess what? The company constantly has employees in other countries always wanting to transfer to America. Any ideas why? No, well i will tell you. Because they all want to live in America. The reason? Because they know that they will have a better quality of life here, and that includes the employees in England

So before you go, you better take a deep and serious look at what you are about to do. Just to make sure that you dont do something that you will regret a few months down the road.

If you decide to do it, my advice is to take a trip over there for a month and then decide. But it is your choice, and you know what?

That is what makes America the greatest country in the world! The freedom to do what you want and no one will stop you from making a mistake.

Think long and hard.

July 12th, 2003, 10:36 PM
Frost, as far as it stands, the ban stays as is. This is mainly due to the fact that its not the first time that you have been banned from merc. This doesn't mean that the ban will be in place forever but as of now, I do not see it being lifed.
