View Full Version : Proud

June 25th, 2003, 07:14 AM
I try to allway verify a story when I get some email about this or that and I have searched and searched this one. I found out on www.truthorfiction.com (http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/bush-tilley.htm) that they had contaced a couple of different people one of them being Sgt. Major Tilly and they are waiting on his reply. I'm going to go ahead post the letter and if they find out that it's not true then I will update this thread.

A story worth sharing...

An unreported story worth sharing... At a recent
Soldiers Breakfast held at Redstone Arsenal, AL,
Sergeant Major of the Army Jack Tilley shared the
following story. (The vignette was captured by James
Henderson, Association of the U.S. Army Redstone
Huntsville Chapter Chaplain. Please distribute far and
wide...it is worth sharing!!)
He (SMA Jack Tilley) described one such recent visit
to our wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center
in Washington that I (Chaplain Henderson) will never

"The Special Forces soldier had lost his right hand
and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his
body. As SMA Tilley described, how do you honor such a
soldier, showing respect without offending?

What can you say or do in such a situation that will
encourage and uplift? How do you shake the right hand
of a soldier who just lost his? Finally he told how he
acted as though the man had a hand, taking his wrist
as though it were his hand and speaking encouragement
to him.

But he said there was another man in that group of
visitors who had even brought his wife with him to
visit the wounded who knew exactly what to do. This
man reverently took this soldier's stump of a hand in
both of his hands, bowed at the bedside and prayed for
him. When he stood from praying he bent over and
kissed the man on the head and told him he loved him.

What a powerful _expression of love for one our
wounded heroes! And what a beautiful Christ-like
example! What kind of man would kneel in such humility
and submission to the Living God of the Bible?

It was George W. Bush, President of the United States
and Commander in Chief of our Armed forces, a man who
understands and follows his chain of command, a leader
God has given us.

There was several sites with this story and all shareing different opion's. If any of you find any more infomation that is verified let me know.

June 25th, 2003, 10:16 AM
