View Full Version : OMG look at the price of the HULK

June 11th, 2003, 06:25 PM

:e2 :crybaby

June 11th, 2003, 06:46 PM
I think that movie is gonna suck....too much comp generation...could be wrong, but the trailers don't look good.

June 11th, 2003, 07:42 PM
I agree with you 100% spark, but My kids want to go see it..bla

June 11th, 2003, 07:48 PM
It will make that the first weekend.....


June 11th, 2003, 07:57 PM
I'll wait for your review..btw Traker I'm right there with ya buddy.. dern kids! LOL...(jk)

June 11th, 2003, 11:35 PM
lol....mine came home from seeing that darn Nemo and said, Dad I want to got see Hulk when it comes out it looks like it is going to be a VERY GOOD MOVIE..I said I will take you both to see it but mommy will have to drive ,and my oldest one said why will mommy have to drive??? I said to him son BC your dad will be to drunk to drive hahahaha...he just scratched his head LMAO...hummmm

June 12th, 2003, 02:52 AM
:twak silly daddy

June 12th, 2003, 06:36 AM
Man I think y'all are missing the fact that Jennifer Connely is in the Hulk! das w00t /me humps sparks leg

June 12th, 2003, 06:58 AM

I have an initial bad feeling about this movie too. too much computer generation like mentioned above.

June 12th, 2003, 07:11 AM
Ok, I just saw the trailer. That is NOT what the hulk is supposed to look like! He isn't as big as a tank! Man...what happened here?!

June 12th, 2003, 07:23 AM
Actually, in the comics, the Hulk IS very large. For except possibly once or twice in the comics and the TV show, the Hulk has always been more or less the size shown in the movie.

I for one think the movie will be pretty dang cool.


June 12th, 2003, 07:40 AM
When I was in Dallas I watched a local show about movies and the guy that was on there has seen the Hulk and he said it is very good. He said that the trailers don't fit the movie *at all*, and it's a very dark movie about anger and the fact that Bruce Banner had a very bad father. He also said that it was a very hard PG-13, possibly even borderline R, so you guys might want to find out some stuff about it before just taking the kids. =)

June 12th, 2003, 10:53 PM
I'm gonna have to go with nuh-uh on this one... it looks horribly cheesy. Or as Melissa would say, "cheesified".

I was pumped about it after seeing the very first trailers -- the ones that didn't actually show him as the hulk. Now I've changed my mind... my guess is that it'll be huge for the first few days or so, then it'll start to tank as word gets around and people start hearing "reviews" from their friends who have already seen it.

Also... whoever wrote that review must be on crack:

(Gollum was great, sure, but he resided in a fantasy world, not ours. He was also a wuss.) Lee humanizes Hulk, in part, by crafting an unusually naturalistic action movie.

First, Gollum kicked much ass -- I think it will be a while before we see another CG character with as much... well, character as him. I'm still blown away. I'm totally skeptical of this "humanized" hulk that this guy is referring to... judging from the previews, it looks like he's anything BUT human or naturalistic (big green guy... naturalistic... WTF?!?)

OK ... I dunno why I felt the need to share my opinions, but I did, and I feel better now. If you agree with me, great. If you disagree with me, you can just shove it up your butt. :)

June 12th, 2003, 10:55 PM
roxet, I just read your post -- let me know if you see it and your friend turns out to be right ("...the trailers don't fit the movie *at all*").

June 13th, 2003, 05:40 PM
http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/text2schild.php?text=I'm with Dirge on this one!!!&typ=3&col=0,0,0&shcol=255,255,255

June 13th, 2003, 11:05 PM
ok, yeah, Jennifer Connely is hot, but...

June 14th, 2003, 12:12 AM
You can tell you guys never were into comics much. In the original comic book the Hulk got as big as his anger did. when he was really mad he would be like 15 feet tall. You people are basing too much on the tv series with Lou forigno (spelling). I hope you people don't ruin it like the Matrix reloaded, which I thought was a good movie too. Stop expecting so much from movie, have a beer and enjoy the show. All it takes is one good 30 minute show of the old original batman tv series and the original star trek to appreciate CG. I for one am glad card board sets are a thing of the past.

June 14th, 2003, 01:25 AM
Yeah I have to agree with Andy on this one you guy's are just to hard to please...

June 14th, 2003, 03:16 AM
im with andy on this one to, take for instance star wars, to me it just aint fair that the orginal 3 movies dont have the eye candy that the first 2 episodes have. and some will say well the first 3 are still better, i have to disagree to me episode II is the best of the series and i love were its going, anyway im strayin i think the hulk will be a good movie, im gonna go check it out, i still cant wait for T3, sorry but that looks hella cool i cant get enough of T movies they are great even though cameron aint doing it i still think it will be done nicely.

June 14th, 2003, 06:26 PM
well i was just suprised about the price...way too much,at least i think
