View Full Version : e3 Half-Life 2 Movie!!!

May 14th, 2003, 03:39 PM
Ok this is probably going to be the best e3 video i post, this is the very first footage of Half-Life 2 in action. and OMG. The level/object interaction is insane!
This is from the 30mb version thats on gamespot, i could only get 25mb of it tho :( you have to be a gamespot subscriber to get it in the first place, so this is alot :)
This game is going to be amazing:

*UPDATE* There were alot more videos out there than i thought! All of these are the best quality they so far, there is a #9 also, but i'm still looking for it.

Oh and the one i had before that was incomplete is complete now, its #2

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_1dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_1dn_qt.mov)48mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_2dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_2dn_qt.mov)30mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_3dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_3dn_qt.mov)24mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_4dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_4dn_qt.mov)23mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_5dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_5dn_qt.mov)29mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_6dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_6dn_qt.mov)37mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_7dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_7dn_qt.mov)37mb

e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_8dn_qt.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_8dn_qt.mov)35mb

halflife2_teaser_051403_320.mov (http://www.lamerc.com/users/onji/e3/halflife2/halflife2_teaser_051403_320.mov)12mb

(right click, save target as...)

May 14th, 2003, 03:44 PM
can you imagine CS on this engine? *drools*

May 14th, 2003, 03:52 PM
yeah the latest Computer Gaming World Magazine has a huge spread on it. They are specifically keeping this complex programing very easy for modders, so they envision the cs's and all to follow shortly.
They say you will interact with the surroundings and people way more than the original, or any game ever made.

May 14th, 2003, 04:03 PM
awwww it didnt work!

May 14th, 2003, 04:04 PM
rightclick, save target as...

May 14th, 2003, 04:07 PM
d00d That is retarded sweet

May 14th, 2003, 05:14 PM
LOOKS AMAZING!!!! but.,.. hehehe.. still its doom 3 then halo 2 THEN halflife 2 for me!..

but thats a SWEET ENGINE!!!!

May 14th, 2003, 05:15 PM
That looks SOOOO Sw33t!! I tell you I cant wait for all the new games to come out....hehehe, little tired of the current ones...played WAY too much....LOL!!

May 15th, 2003, 05:45 AM
Halo 2 is gonna own. But from what ive seen from Half Life 2, its gonna be an awesome FPS season!

May 15th, 2003, 12:45 PM
See the bold section in the top post!

May 15th, 2003, 12:47 PM
awww, you beat me to in onji, curse that stupid T1 that wouldn't work this morning! Keeping me from my watching of E3 videos, the nerve!

May 15th, 2003, 12:48 PM
hey do you see #9 anywhere?

May 15th, 2003, 07:00 PM
no, I didn't have it in the bit torrent I downloaded. I'll look some now.

May 19th, 2003, 10:33 PM
well i see i'm late at this one too lol

May 20th, 2003, 03:52 PM
hey did you find the big 600+ meg video?
