View Full Version : Finally Defeated 3 Brutals...w00t

May 1st, 2003, 08:06 AM
After weeks of trying, I finally managed to kick 3 brutals (1 China, 1 GLA, and 1 USA) butts...w00t!

The map was Deadly Sins, and for some reason it was kindof easy cause they kept sending ALL of their tanks to the same place to invade my base...lol

I had like 10 or 15 patriots, bunches of helicopters and tanks, and 3 particle cannons. Needless to say I also had a BUNCH of power stations too.

I took screenies of my base's defenses, but for some reason I cant get the stupid things small enough so they'll post. If someone could tell me how to do it using paint shop pro (dont know what happened to my photoshop), Ill post them for you.
