View Full Version : Dixie Chicks Answer Critics

April 25th, 2003, 08:23 AM

April 25th, 2003, 08:54 AM
yeha, Diesel and I were discussing this earlier. What a shame they chose this route to address this problem this way. They are ouraged at the "boycott" against them, proclaiming their right to free speech. What they fail to realize is that the actions against them are true Americans excersizing their free speech. Another thing, why is it that they are so upset about this when liberals call for boycotts against anything they find offensive? And finally... There is NO way that is Natalie Maines actual body. This is blatant Photoshop h4x. I was considering buying their stuff in the future, not anymore...

April 25th, 2003, 09:02 AM
My thoughts on this are...BAD IDEA.

FOX News covered this and they were interviewing two guys (no idea who they were) and they said exactly what I was thinking. Basically that the audience they appeal to won't understand or appreciate this type of statement. CLeetus in Arkansas ain't gonna wanna hear it and now he'll be LESS likely to to buy there stuff. Whoever thier publicity agent is...they should be fired. Does anyone else get the impression that this is similar to a wounded lashing out?? Guess who's gonna get bit the hardest on this one.


April 25th, 2003, 10:21 AM
Who believes that that is Natalie(the middle one)???
omg h4x

April 25th, 2003, 05:24 PM
I would say i do.. they make a lot of money, and she has personalled trained herself into that body for a while now... you could see he losing all her weight over the past few years, i bet its her.. and i will still buy their stuff, i agree their core audience wont understand this, but i think it was a cool way to do it.

thats just my 2 cent!
