View Full Version : What acessories do u have?

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 02:50 PM
i need to buy some acessories and i need opinions and ideas. i want to buy offical acessories but they cost to much and im tryin to save a little. tell me what 3rd party brands of acessorices r g00d and what u have :D

April 21st, 2003, 03:22 PM
um, what the jack are you talking about pimp?

April 21st, 2003, 03:26 PM
Jubae, look what forums he posted in, Gamecube, theres you a hint hehe

April 21st, 2003, 03:29 PM
he needs additional joysticks, memory cards...etc
I only have official stuff so I am of no help,
but if you have some $$ get the wave bird wireless controler it
is pretty awesome, K-bomb has it, along with every other nintendo
product known to man, so he might be able to help j00.

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 03:56 PM
/me smacks jubae
i heard zie wavebird r screw up j00 phone when u use it in da same r00m

April 21st, 2003, 04:01 PM
*Runs and hides under a table while avoiding the dinnerware*

April 21st, 2003, 04:13 PM
My extra controllers are made by pelican accessories... came with extension cable... don't ask the exact price.. got them about a year ago at the local wally world.. Haven't had any problems and the design is pretty close to the offical stuff...

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 04:30 PM
/me lures jubae out with a cookie

April 21st, 2003, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Diesel
he needs additional joysticks, memory cards...etc
I only have official stuff so I am of no help,
but if you have some $$ get the wave bird wireless controler it
is pretty awesome, K-bomb has it, along with every other nintendo
product known to man, so he might be able to help j00.

Who? Me? :)

Do NOT use third party memory cards - they will corrupt your data!!!! As much as I love Metroid and Zelda, I don't want to lose my progress and have to start over just because I wanted to save $5 on a cheap memory card. As long as you're not playing any sports game's franchise modes that hog a lot of memory card space, a single Memory Card 251 should be plenty - I believe they are $15.

I'm not a fan of most third party controllers. The Wavebird is AWESOME!!! It has 16 selectable frequencies, so you can likely find a frequency that doesn't interfere with the other devices in your house. Otherwise, get an extension cable if you sit far away from your TV.

S-video cables are highly recommended if your TV suppports it. Even better, if you have a progressive scan TV, get the component cables from nintendo.com - they are worth it.

The only other accessory that comes to mind is the modem or broadband adapter. The only online Cube game so far is Phantasy Star Online - so it's probably not worth your while, yet.

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 04:44 PM
gc 251 mem is 20$ but ill try to egt it half of at ebay

April 21st, 2003, 06:07 PM
y34h d4 w4v3b1rdy r d4 b0mb d1gg17y y0!!!

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 06:40 PM
Original:y34h d4 w4v3b1rdy r d4 b0mb d1gg17y y0!!!
Translated:yeah the wavebird is the bomb diggity yo!!!

someone take away cof's medication its making him worse :)

April 21st, 2003, 07:12 PM
The ultimate accessory for gamecube: an Xbox.

There, I said it.

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 07:27 PM
The ultimate accessory for xbox: an ps2
There, I resaid it

April 21st, 2003, 07:38 PM
The ultimate accessory for xbox: a forklift :)

April 21st, 2003, 07:42 PM
*takes cookie and pees on floor then goes out the doggie door*

April 21st, 2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Jubae
*takes cookie and pees on floor then goes out the doggie door*

Bad Jubae! Stop peeing in the Gamecube forum and save it for the Xbox forum...

AOF, you gave him the cookie so you have to clean up his mess :p:

April 21st, 2003, 08:27 PM
cypher you running the risk of being edited for content lol Ask Tyler what i mean...

April 21st, 2003, 08:43 PM
my m3d1c4t10n 1s wh4t's k33p1ng m3 s4n3, s0 1t's y0ur ch01c3 t0 t4k3 m3 0ff 1t 0r d34l w1th th3 1337 sp34k... =D

April 21st, 2003, 08:49 PM
i think x-box is awesome personally but i cant say what game cube is like i dont have one but i would preffer playing xbox over ps2
but the way i see it they all have their style and you just gotta like what u like and right now im liking xbox

-FA- Kodachi
April 21st, 2003, 10:39 PM
/me gives cookie to pee so it will leave
/me nails doggie door shut so jubae cant come back in and locks everyother door/window/toilet :D

April 22nd, 2003, 06:30 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_BigOne
i think x-box is awesome personally but i cant say what game cube is like i dont have one but i would preffer playing xbox over ps2
but the way i see it they all have their style and you just gotta like what u like and right now im liking xbox

Agreed. It's all about the games you like to play. I own a Cube, and I really enjoyed Metroid, Zelda, Eternal Darkness, Mario, Resident Evil, Resident Evil Zero, Waverace, Smash Brothers, Star Wars Rogue Squadron, and Starfox. And those are just some of the exclusives, not to mention multi-platform games like SSX Tricky, Timesplitters 2, Tiger Woods, NHL Hitz, Mortal Kombat, Madden, NCAA Football, and NCAA Basketball, and Splinter Cell. I still have a stack of games I haven't completed - so it's easy to say I have been very happy with the Cube so far.

I wouldn't trade the list above for any combination of games on the XBox or PS2 (and yes I have played Halo - very solid for a game that only had 5 weapons, 5 levels and 5 enemies :)) Now that I've played it, I'm really not itchin' to get an XBox as the rest of their lineup doesn't really grab me. Same with PS2. A lot of the good games are available on the PC (i.e. Unreal, Halo (soon), or Grand Theft Auto) or on all of the consoles. If the XBox is $99 by the time Halo 2 comes out in 2004, I might pick one up. Or, maybe when Rare gets around to releasing some of the franchises that were so popular on the Nintendo 64. Until then, I'm content with the Cube.

Here's to good games :cheers Enjoy your console(s) of choice!
