View Full Version : lag

April 13th, 2003, 09:43 PM
I've been having a lot of problems with lag....on almost every map!
I assume that none of the stuff i've added is causing the problem.(csru4, skins, ect.) The thing is the problem started when I added the stuff. Being a b00n I just thought I'd ask before I start changing things on my end. :slap

April 14th, 2003, 09:52 PM
csru4 and it's past versions have been know to cause lag, by being heavy demanding on graphics and sound, which means memory hog, so those things can cause lag,it looks better that I must agree with but at what cost do you want neat pretty and slow or dull and fast.. those are questions you need to ask yourself, plus i would get a few programs to check and see if you have spyware on tour box running in the back ground that can cause you lag too...then on certain maps depending on the size of it how many ppl are playing and such, then teach your self what you need to compensate in to work with a lag diferential..I rember when I was on dialup, I fixed things and learned to do things oddly, you hear something fire first ask questions later...here is a link to tweek page.. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/a.j.gordon/pingtips/newtips.htm
good luck bud.. http://www.icantlose.com/cs/tech.shtml

April 17th, 2003, 06:15 PM
I've heard or read that most (not all) skin packs or any changes to the cs folder that is not on the cd or default will cause lag, because the files are bigger ( that makes the stuff look bigger) takes more time to load, every round. Thats just what I heard or read
