View Full Version : DirectX 9 Question

April 8th, 2003, 02:11 PM
when i recently reformatted and installed the new directx 9 my choke has been thru the roof and i mean between 40 to 99 while buying equipment and walking around alone... at that rate you can imagine what it's at when i'm actually in a gun fight. now my question is has anyone else experienced this kind of problem and had to downgrade back to dx8 or 8.1 whatever it was..? or can anyone suggest a way to fix this problem if no one has been having the same problem i have... if you've played with me lately you probably noticed my net sucks and am prone to a 200 to 500 average ping spike which i can deal with if my choke will stay low... HELP!!!:help

April 20th, 2003, 10:49 PM
Try getting updated drivers for your motherboard that will support directx9, latest video drivers, and soundcard drivers, if that does not fix the problem then you might want to consider caughing up 20 buck and getting yourself a new NIC that would more than likely be the "Cure-ALL":blue:

Hitman bust up in my door
So I grab my fourty fourrrrr
Now da bustaz on da floor

April 20th, 2003, 11:54 PM
Dustin, I haven't heard of that problem and I don't know of anyone who has downgraded back to directx 8.1 ..

Do u have the lastest directx 9.0a?

Twisted.. Doubt the nic is the problem. If its working then it working.

Dustin, check your rate to make sure its correct. Late, I've seen some peoples rate getting changed in their config file, check yours to see what its set at.

April 21st, 2003, 12:05 AM
I have seen NICS do amazing things when they mess up, but yeah it makes perfect sense, it was working fine until he upgraded so that sorta scratches that idea.

April 23rd, 2003, 07:04 AM
Switch to OpenGL and see if that still happens, if it does then its not DirectX.

I've also had some weird problems with DX9. My textures are weird and uneven, and sometimes entities disappear and I can walk right through them. Like the little balcony at the main site on inferno. The railing will just disappear while I'm looking at it, and I can walk through it.

April 23rd, 2003, 07:09 AM
NO clipping mode built into DX9....AWESOME!
