View Full Version : REally pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 27th, 2003, 09:17 PM
ok heres another problem. lately (as of yesterday) i have been having this really annoying cs problem. i got to play in a server and im at the connection screen and it counts down and then the game just closes and it sends me to my desktop where the desktop is all weird lookin in resolution, to the point where i cant see the whole screen. does anyone know whats up? i have been messing with skins lately but i dont think that should of messed anything up . also i installed STEAM for cs do u think this may be a problem? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

March 28th, 2003, 07:59 AM
if CS is not exited properly, it will show your desktop at 640x480 (I think that's it) I usually click start (or hit the windows key) goto programs / sierra / half-life. then close half-life and the desktop is normal again.

not sure if it will be it, but the easiest thing to try to stop this from happening is to delete your cache.wad file in your cs directory. I have to do that about once every 9 months or so (sooner if there are a ton of people using different sprays) and it seems to fix the problem.

and don't worry cs will rebuild the file as needed.

like I said, this may not fix your problem, but there is a good chance it will, and it only takes a few sec. to try.
