View Full Version : wth Canucks spit in face of their protector

March 21st, 2003, 06:51 AM
This pisses me off


gg nubs! The cool is that we still won the game and the protestors just show their stupidity again.

(And I know this is not representative of all Canadians)

March 21st, 2003, 06:57 AM
Yeah well it's that whole fremdome of speech thing as long as it's them and thier opionion. Heaven forbid anyone with a pro view of USA say something then we are war monger's.

I say we arrange a meeting between them and God and let him sort it out. :lol

March 21st, 2003, 09:45 AM
wow...snake's gettin' agro on us....woohoo!


March 21st, 2003, 02:51 PM
No I'm just fed up with this idiot's who speak for only about 30 percent of the nation according to poll's getting all the press makeing it look like we don't support our guy's. That is such crap when they can see this stuff in the news over there and they start thinking ok is this going to be another Viet Nam. Well BS I support them and dare anyone and I mean anyone in my presence to say defferent. They will see just how quick a preacher can get jiggy with it.

March 21st, 2003, 02:55 PM
well i mean i dont agree with what they did . but they have a right to think what they want, they just dont like war and they want to show it.

March 21st, 2003, 03:03 PM
hmmm maybe they don't like war, cause they haven't tried it???
kinda like eggnog or something, they need to try it first before they say they don't like it. maybe the people they are booing should introduce them to war, ya know, just to see if they may like it.

March 21st, 2003, 03:04 PM
Yeah, they have their rights.. but I still say we have a team of midgets kick them in the balls on their way out. See how they like having their balls busted.. Thank you, come again :stick

March 21st, 2003, 03:16 PM
w00t great idea Toby!
All these know-nothing ant-war panzies can line up, and we will
kick em square to see if they have any.

We know they don't have any brains, since they stage protest which get out of hand, and we have to use our valuable police force (during a time where the country is at a high terror alert) to subside a bunch of scum bags!!

Hey Saddam....
Here comes the BOOM,
haha how you like us now!

March 24th, 2003, 08:57 AM
Like Dirge said..."not all Canadians have this point of view"

all of you have to remember that Montreal is part of the province Quebec, which is has deep attachments to France (i should not have to elaborate on this).

and also, during a hockey game between montreal and Ny rangers last year the crowd booed throughout the Canadian national anthem....so it goes to show that this kind of bs happens here in the states too. Do not argue with me about either supporting this war or not supporting this war. I for one believe that Iraq deserves everything they are getting (and more). Especially after what i saw what they did to those POW's yesterday.

again i want to add that most of the people of the Province of Quebec have their own warped views of the world that closely reflect that of France. In fact Quebec tried to separate from Canada in recent years. To say the least, not many people outside of that province wants anything to do with them.

So i guess what i'm saying is that it doesn't surprise me that the people of Montreal acted in such a way.

March 24th, 2003, 11:46 AM

my point exactly

March 24th, 2003, 12:40 PM
What Canuck didn't tell you b00ns is Don Cherry is one of the most respected (although quite insane and a bad dresser) hockey commentators in Canada. He is the ex-coach of the Boston Bruins and the long time announcer of Hockey Night in Canada. EVERYBODY in Canada knows who DOn Cherry is.


March 24th, 2003, 01:24 PM
DON CHERRY FOR PRESIDENT....oops....i mean ..PRIME MINISTER!!!!!woohoo!!

hey BB, how do you know about the Canadian Icon? I thought Americans were in the dark when it comes to canadian hockey?

March 24th, 2003, 02:09 PM
I am the hockey connection for MERC. Don Cherry's Rock Em' Sock Em' videos are the shizznit!!


March 24th, 2003, 02:37 PM
i think i have the first 4 or 5 rock em sock'em's. they are really outdated, but they roxors too!!

I wouldn't be boasting about hockey knowledge around a canadian...lol j/k!!

March 24th, 2003, 02:40 PM
lol...you probably right about that. I'm basically a Kings guy but can hang with hockey history and such...rules too. Individual team stuff I'll get lost pretty quick.


March 24th, 2003, 03:48 PM
Bernie Nicholls was one of the most underated players in my opinion. So you are a Kings fan? that diminishes your ability to say you are a hockey fan!!! lol....anyone with any sense would know that the Sabres are the best team in the league. (I'm probably the only one in the world with any sense!!)

March 24th, 2003, 04:50 PM
OMG!!! Sabres??? They have one less point then the Kings so I know they suck. Dumbest thing you guys ever did was give up Peca (even if he was a hold out). Can't beleive we gave you Zhitnik though...BAH!

