View Full Version : peaceprotesters gets stomped on the radio

March 14th, 2003, 05:02 AM
take a listen to this..its abouta 2.5meg download but well worth it..

protester (http://www.lamerc.com/users/mercy/qtracker/kvi_aircheck_031003.mp3)

March 14th, 2003, 06:16 AM
THat was awesome man..."Little girl" *hehehe*

March 14th, 2003, 06:52 AM
LMAO, typical "know-nothing" anti-war protester.
Telling someone who lived there what it was like.
stupid "little girl", believes if we hug everyone all the worlds tensions will go away, she must be a Miss America contestant.
/me slaps her with a large trout to reality

March 14th, 2003, 06:56 AM
OMG. LOL. That is the best term I've heard yet, "Nickelodian Diplomacy. You chirping bird." That made my day.

March 14th, 2003, 07:56 AM
OMG That right there is EXACTLY the kind of problem we face today. Misinformed, or should I say "useful idiots" for the anti-bush group, people like that only want peace for themselves, they don't care about peace for the people of Iraq. God Bless the USA and GOD Bless GW BUSH!!!!

March 14th, 2003, 08:06 AM
She is like most of the left they don't have an original thought they can only sprew out the "talking points" that they have heard their leaders say. They are programed to say the same things over and over they can't think on their own for the simple reason that they have no idea what they belive in and they have no conviction they change their belifes day to day and their loyalties along with that. It's sad that most of the kids graduating today think and belive this way due to the education they receive at school from the left wing agended teachers and the teachers union pushing there agenda onto the school system to teach the kids. There are reports of teachers actully belittling student's with parent's that have been deployed. This subject gets me as close to being mad as I have been in a long time.

March 14th, 2003, 09:01 AM
This little girl is so typical of your yuppie upper middle class stuck up, have had everything in life handed to me, I think I know what is right for the world because I watch MTV, Dumb ass liberal. Don't worry, the majority vote down here in Texas is kill Sadam, then kill the protestors. I think it is funny, if I were to walk through a crowd of these so called Peace Protesters; I would probably be beaten or worse killed. They have no one voice, no one point, no real solution, they just want to sit and wait. Do these people have jobs, if so they need to work more; they have too much time on there hands, unlike me :). Oh and the little girl spoke of letting Diplomacy handle this....The guy from Iraq said it, Diplomacy has failed. OMG I want to burn down ever star bucks so these Nazi will not have a meeting place to spread there ignorance. Do these people even watch CNN or any real news channel, do they not see what is going on...oh yeah I forgot, these dumb ass's are probably watching Survivor or Joe millionaire.....ok I am done with my rant, I feel much better now...I have unloaded my M-14 and promise not to kill anyone with a peace sign...,.for now. :)
