View Full Version : Mr. Bush's War

February 14th, 2003, 09:45 AM
personally, i can't stand Mr.Bush and i totally disagree with this war. he's doing it for the wrong reason. he's on a crusade to get re-elected to another term (he never got my vote and he's not getting it this time either). he's just sending our men to get cheaper oil and ruin people's lives. if he were really going over there to end terrorism, he needs to start with Bin Laden and then get Sadam. He's created a mess and NO OTHER COUNTRY AGREES WITH THIS WAR! for crying outloud our own country can't agree on the war either!

February 14th, 2003, 09:52 AM
careful your about to get Dirge'd!! lol

February 14th, 2003, 10:25 AM
I'm the last one to care (let alone speak up) about politics, but I think we have to trust him and his administration here... I'm sure there's a lot more to this situation than any of us civilians know. He's got a very big and very important job, and I'm sure decisions like this aren't easy.

And keep in mind that one man (president or not) can't just up and declare war on another country... there are other experts around the President who obviously have agreed that this is a cause worthy of this much effort, billions of dollars, and possibly American lives -- they don't make decisions like that by flipping a coin.

And when's the last time our whole country agreed on something? Anything? I imagine the only situation that even comes close (at least in my lifetime) would be retalliation after the attack on the WTC -- but even then, there were probably some Americans who disagreed and didn't want to strike back for some reason.

Ok... I'm done.... now which one of you did I borrow this soapbox from? Well I'll just leave it here for Dirge to use when he arrives.

February 14th, 2003, 12:56 PM
OMFG Another brainchild warped by the media.

Let's take a look at your arguments Sobe.

1) the purpose of the war is re-election.

Okay, let's get a little perspective. Re-election occurrs in 2004. From all estimates, a war with Iraq is expected to last between 4-6 weeks. That leaves a long time to forget about the war before the election. Do you remember Bush 41? He kicked arse, but did it win him re-election? No. And don't you think GW pays attention to that? So don't you think that is not his purpose? In fact, one of the crimes Saddam has committed was the foiled assasination plot against Bush 41 during a Kuwaiti visit in the 90's. This has been purposely left out of GW's camp so vengance motives aren't incorrectly thrust into his "purpose."

2) Oil....
This is the most ridiculous argument to surface outside of conspiracy theories. The Clinton's administration's answere to energy dependence on the Middle East was appeasement. Where did that get us? To our current situation. Since before 9/11, GW Bush has pushed his solution to our dependence on Middle Eastern oil as alternative sources and alternative issues. G Bush has been working with Vicente Fox (the president of Mexico) to expand oil exploration in Mexico. He has also pushed for increased exploration in Venezuela and the US and Russia. Did you also not catch the Secretary of State explaining that in the event of a wear with Iraq, all oil will be put into a trust fund for the Iraqi people and those countries that currently get their oil from Iraq (i.e. France and Russia). It specifically outlined the US's non-involvement with Iraqi oil. Guess what? We hardly use it know and we don't need it in the future.

3) Bin Laden... Bin Laden is dead folks. Believe it.
Here's a link to an informative article addressing that situation and why it is good for us that they continue to fabricate "tapes" from him.

4) The US is acting Unilaterally...
Do you realize that while there are 2 major countries opposed to US action, almost the rest of the European continent has pledged their support to the US cause? This list of countries include Italy, Portugal, Spain, Britain, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and many others. As I type this, Australian and British troops train alongside our soldiers in the gulf region for military action. It's a shame the solidarity shown by these countries is overshadowed in the media by France and Gemrany's pooh-poohing. And don't get me started on their so called "reasons" for their actions.

5) we can't agree on war...
Gee take a look at the latest polls. Bush ahas a 65% apporval rating and 70% of the country supports a war on Iraq.

I implore you to take the time to read the article I have linked above as well as some others on that website. If you have questions about anything I have said or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask.

February 14th, 2003, 01:02 PM
bin laden is dead?? awwe there goes my hopes of meeting him.. with my ak

February 14th, 2003, 01:53 PM
lol im not gonna say anything cause i dont want to get back into this because i was already told i will be banned if i bring this whole bush things back into the forums so.... but sobe i agree with u and i will always agree with u if it has anything to do about bush sucking cause its all very true.;) :blue: :d:
lol dont mess with dirge hes the political master.

February 14th, 2003, 02:01 PM
lol and bin laden isnt dead that site is bogus itself , its one mans opinion , those arent actual facts , if how can they prvoe that bin laden is dead if we have yet to see a body or a head or anything having to do with him . also i remeber a little while ago another video tape he sent back to the u.s tellin us more tragedy is coming. and im pretty sure there is and most likely will be successful even if he has to shot down the planes as they come into our building lives will still be lost. its still amazingly easy to pass by security at airports.

February 14th, 2003, 02:06 PM
OMG...you just got......

February 14th, 2003, 02:07 PM
hmmm.... i dont get it

February 14th, 2003, 02:07 PM
lol...I agree about Bin Laden. Otherwise they'd have a handed out a video by now. He was always releasing videos of himself.


February 14th, 2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
hmmm.... i dont get it

What's not to get??? Oh, NM, you agreed with SoBe so I understand why you wouldn't get it.

OK, I see now...you and I were posting at the same time. The pick was for SoBe not you crazy.


February 14th, 2003, 02:09 PM
Just as there is no proof he is dead, there is no proof he is alive. The video you refer to brings up a funny point. Do you remember the video looking a little funny? They were sitting in a field of grass remember? Did you happen to see the news broadcast when they took and showed how easy it was to manipulate that image? They put them talking at Mt Rushmore, the WTC, and other sites. It was obvious to see the video was modified digitally before it was "released." The same is true of the audio tapes found. There is dubious inconsistency in the quality of the tapes. The story just exhibits a qualified hypothesis on the situation. The rest of that website may be bogus to you, but I do not know why. Most, not all, of the articles on that site are presented in a factual rather than a biased format.

BTW crazy, you exhibit an astonishing amount of capitulation to the current situation in the US. What is your solution to the constant terrorist threats we currently face? Would you just sit back and break out the duct tape every time there is an alert? And scoff at the level of our vulnerability? Or would you support the elimination of the source of said problems?

February 14th, 2003, 02:20 PM
omg I can't believe I forgot this point. Sobe you reference a goal being cheaper oil. First of all have you noticed the rise in oil prices in the past month? A war does not translate into future low oil prices. In fact, as in the gulf war, Saddam has plans to try and destroy his oil wells much as he did Kuwait's at the end of the gulf war. A little event that resulted in the largest environmental disaster ever and kept the price of oil higher than normal due to all of the clean up costs. The total came to several billion dollars. If America controlled Iraq's oil, it still wouldn't be cheaper. The price of oil is set by the free market which is controlled by supply and demand. There would be no increase in the quantity of oil supplied, Iraq sells all of the oil it produces now evben with the UN "sanctions" in place. The world just turns a blind eye to Yemen and Iranian tankers carrying the Iraqi oil. And fianlly, Bush is proposing spending millions of dollars researching hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative energy source. He does this even as many, many conservatives criticize it as being a waste of money. Remember, republicans do not like to spend government money, so this lies in direct conflict with the cheap oil theory or war for oil theory.

February 14th, 2003, 02:21 PM
i was gonna say something but dirge already has everything under control

February 14th, 2003, 02:22 PM
hehehe Does anyone else notice the irony that Sobe's avatar is a French Fleur de lis? lol

February 14th, 2003, 02:23 PM
lol dude LOL do u really think he would send u a video with him showing u the location hes actually in...(a big hilly mountain and a cave in the background) maybe one that one of the recon has seen on their trips out there , obviously this is just a example .. i mean hes not a dumb guy.. u got to think the big picture. okay so u want my opinion on what i would do to the terrisots situation .EASY!!! BOMB THE WHOLE DANG PLACE!!!!!!!!!!! no need to send in our troops im sure they got a nuclear missle to blow up everything in sight. thats exactly what id do. so u kills a few innocent people but hell the way i think of it its all for allah right to them , their in a holy war so maybe were doing them a favor and sending em to see allah before we do. and most likely those same peopole youll see on cnn with a c4 strapped to their back blowing up other innocent people :eek: lol thats my opinion right that. :d: i give it 2 thumbs up. but i doubt all this will happen anyway the whole war thing at least not before reelection... and again this is just my opinion .. but im thinkin far past that . i doubt bush will declare war and actually starting fighting it before the election in 2004, what im thinkin hes gonna con over some people and then wait til he gets reelected and then send in the troops that way if they all die and he comes out lookin like a idiot people wont be like oh hell we elected the wrong dude he has no clue what hes doing. thats just my opinion!!!! im sure many of u disagree or actually see what im trying to say.

February 14th, 2003, 02:29 PM
hmm is that why we got so many people going broke,cause the goverment doesnt like to help anyone out . check this out on what bush has done so far to help us out http://www.shrubbish.com/25reasons.htm

February 14th, 2003, 02:38 PM
hmm First of all dropping a nuclear bomb on a country rarely is justified and is certainly not in this case. You have to remember that the image you have of these countries is primarily those in control, who are nothing more than oppresive regimes who have no regard for human life or human rights. Odds are if the people are given the opportunity to rule themselves, they would be more like you and I. So it is not fair to snuff out the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals. And this whole biding time until re-election... Please If that is the case, then why the sense of urgency present in the administration? The election is over a year and a half away. Do you realize how much money would be wasted keeping the troops in theater? There are roughly 170,000 over there right now. That certainly would hamper the economic recovery.

February 14th, 2003, 02:41 PM
hmmm i thought the repulicans didnt like to waste money so why is he waitin so long to attack man??? just makin us waste our money? and u asked for what my opinion was that was it.

February 14th, 2003, 02:50 PM
I see your opinion and am just counter-arguing your opinion. The actual reasons he is waiting so long stems from the holdovers from the BUSH 41 administration and their desire for coalition building and multilaterlism. That's long story I can go into if you would like.

Great, you're attempting to justify with facts. woohoo

Time for some debunking.

Let's start with the first seven items. Throw them out. They are a product of the years before Bush was in office. I'm not saying they are Clintons fault, because I do not believe presidents have that much control over the economy. They can initiate programs that will eventually direct the economy. It's infair to blame those economic figures on Bush.

Okay next, the deficit. I'll concede to you that the amount is at an all-time high. But if you accurately look at that number, you will see that as a percentage of GDP, it is nowhere near the level it was in the late 70's. In fact it is very much under control. Inflation is the key rate to track in these situations.

Health care is a valid concern and one that is lowly grinding its way through the system. Bush hasn't done anything, but what did Clinton do for it with his 8 years in office? Seems status quo on that one. As far as crime and drug use statistics, that is more of a state and local tracking statistic than national. The same can be said about the CLinton administration.

Pollution. Yeah! There is still no concrete evidence linking pollution to global warming. Even if there was, the fault would not rest with the US, it would rest with the thirld world countries. In fact, automobile pollution is at its lowest point in the past 30 years. Here's a nice statistic for you 80% of the pollution comes from 20% of the cars on the road. This 20% are the old cungers and hoopties you see pouring out smoke going down the street. In fact modern cars are among the most pollution efficient vehicles made. All of the economic data you provide is biased. The values are the highest they have ever been, but that is because the economy is at the highest level it has ever been. If one looks at percentages of the whole, you see this IN NO WAY compares to the horific stock crashes of 1929 and 1987.

OMG Drought. You are crediting Bush with the power to control rainfall. I only wish he had that much power.

Good effort, I give you a D.


U|33R n00|3
February 14th, 2003, 03:04 PM
GO DIRGE GO!!! WOOOHOOO! you are by far the most knowledgable person ive come across dealing with politics outside the media. whether you guys agree with dirge or not, there is no way you could not respect this man's knowledge of the facts.

Poor it on em' man...w00t

the n00b

February 14th, 2003, 03:14 PM
well it seems like clinton actually did do stuff for the health care when he was president i have read that he sponsered a center for AIDS to find a vaccine , also he tried setting up a bill of rights for medicare , which would give 75 million of the people on medicare converage i beileive , but it was not his call but the congresses thats why the bill wasnts passed. also he signed a bill to stop fraud on health care, so the elderly and others will no longer get jipped into paying large fines for health care. i credit u with the global warming thing i dont know why the dude even listed it , but bush did say when he was governor of texas that global warming was happening because of pollutioon. "We are starting our drive in front of Governor Bush s office. The Governor has said he believes that global warming is occurring.

February 14th, 2003, 03:33 PM
aight aight dirge i wanna call a TRUCE... so TRUCE?? i mean we both had our fun , and seriously i think if we keep going on like this its gonna end up gettin ourselves in trouble most likely more me than you. your older and more well respected than i am in this subject and i know that now. so truce or what? anytime u want a conversation with me my aim is pcspsycho lol we can fight there. aight dude im out. so are we cool or are u gonna hold some grudges on me about this?
crazybones :p

February 14th, 2003, 03:44 PM
Poor Crazy;( ...see it's just like the Great U S A


Crazy--> :eek: :tank: <---Dirge

February 14th, 2003, 03:48 PM
lol i aint dieing i did put up a good fight i have to say it was a hard competitor . its just hard when u have noone on ur side.

February 14th, 2003, 03:53 PM
LOL! Don't forget the Venezuelan oil strike too! Does that not have an impact on gas prices too? Correct me if I'm wrong Dirge, as I'm sure you prolly will! :owned

February 14th, 2003, 03:54 PM
see what i mean........noone

February 14th, 2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
its just hard when u have noone on ur side.

Doesn't that give ya a clue that maybe it makes no sense.
Just shesh before Dirge comes back with the big guns.
He is just running around in Bradly's (for a Demo that is a light armor fighting vehicle) right now. If he busts out the calculator, then the M1-A2's(..again the main battle tank of the USA) will come out. :laugh:

And lasltly Dirge has to talk alot so he can balance the pressure.
ask Rooster and Yankee what happens if he doesn't

February 14th, 2003, 04:00 PM
i have gotten some of the worst from him though unless anyone else wnats to give it a shot ????

February 14th, 2003, 04:00 PM
lol No grudges here. More pity than anything, :stick jk

And Maximus you are correct. The US gets around than 20% of its imported oil from Venezuala and the strike there is one of the reason gas prices have risen.

Crazy you got Sobe for what it's worth.

Oh you point out something I would like to stress. I never said that Bush didn't say that he corollated global warming with pollution. I do not, this is one of those examples where I don't agree with the man. hehehe And Clinton's failed attempts at health care reform also represent an inability to work with both parties. In the end, it was still a failure. I mean I can say I tried to do it, but I get the same result. :D

February 14th, 2003, 04:02 PM
so on a scale to 1 to 10 what would u grade me on this subject...

February 14th, 2003, 04:04 PM
Politics + religion = no winners

No point in even discussing it.


February 14th, 2003, 04:06 PM
once again big brother has confused me.......

February 14th, 2003, 04:07 PM
doh, crazy, it's all good. My wife is reading over my shoulder and has your back. It's all I could do to fight her off and keep her from posting in response. She's a die hard Bush HATER. Off to rally's against war here in Westwood or Hollywood next week wherevere they have one. LOL. I just told her not to take our kids in case I have to respond and arrest her, DOH! Dirge put up some good arguments, but it is hard to argue that this isn't about oil. North Korea is spouting off about hitting the U.S. anywhere we are and backing out of the non-proliferation treaty, starting up their nukes program and what do we do? Talk about pulling out of S.Korea. An article in the L.A. Times (Los Angeles) for the NBA All Star break asks Dallas Mavericks point guard Steve Nash (Canadian) about things. He mentions the Constitution saying that War is usually undertaken self defense. It is true that Iraq hasn't attacked us yet, to my knowledge. But, on the other hand, there is quite a lot to be said about those missing "thousands of unaccounted for" liters of anthrax, botulism, ricin, and whatever other chemical weapons Sadaam still has over there. My wife says no, I say GO!

February 14th, 2003, 04:10 PM
omg!!!!!!!! its a miracle someone actually hates bush in these forums .. sgt jeffs wife divorce him and marry me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :blue: :d: lol jk im sure u to are happy together i got 5 bucks ur arguing over this matter right now. ask her how i did on this subject

February 14th, 2003, 04:13 PM
Hey SgtJeff make sure the rallies your wife goes to aren't ones sponsored by the World Worker Party (The old Stalinist American Communist movement). That organization among other things helps raise money for the convicted cop killers in NYC. I forget the guys name.

I'll let you in on a little secret about North Korea. You can feel good about them not doing anything drastic because countries with nuclear weapons do not annouce there existence but for only two purposes: 1)as a deterrent against attack and 2)as a bargaining chip I believe N Korea is doing both of these. The scary countries are the ones trying to gain nukes and keep it secret (i.e. Iraq). Those countries have less than honest intentions for their weapons.

Crazybones, with 10 being the best, I rate you a 3. You display the desire to be knowledgable, but you lack the effort to substantiate your arguments. Not to mention your arguments rely heavily on supposition and loosely organized facts. :D

February 14th, 2003, 04:17 PM
the |337 = action
the :( = reaction

Ask the WTC victims famlies if we should have reacted or acted on terroist threats. Let the Frenchies have the Eiffel Tower hit and see if the croissants dont hit the fan! I have a new use for Duct tape...ahh never mind.

It truly is nobodies fault we are taught as little kids that
taking action is bad...such a shame.

February 14th, 2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Politics + religion = no winners

No point in even discussing it.


as he said done finished through...AGREE'D theres no point and even bringing up religion if you follow it fine if not fine...thats that, and side note religion in this country is somewhat of a joke when you look at, i'm not explaining in here, cause its not the place nor should it be brought up, if you wanna know you can message easy as that

February 14th, 2003, 04:44 PM
All I hafta say is "DIRGE FOR PRESIDENT!!!" Bush hater or no Bush hater, SOMEONE hasta fix up the holes that our oversexed ex-president was to busy getting OTHER perks to fix them! I mean, come on folks, scandal after scandal followed Bubba Clinton, so THAT should give SOMEONE an idea of what kind of president he was...The economy, healthcare, the military, etc...ALL of those issues Clinton had no real solution to because he was too busy worrying about whether to use Swisher Sweets or Cuban (If ya know what I mean!) I do not think for a minute that in the 8 years he was in office did he do his job. Rebuke if you like, I'm all eyes...

February 14th, 2003, 04:46 PM
max i dont even want to get into this with u!!!!!!!! err i had enough with dirge. Someone close this subject now STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!

February 14th, 2003, 04:54 PM
nah we're just having fun

February 14th, 2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
once again big brother has confused me.......

For gawd sakes man...keep up. There is no winners in an argument about politics or religion. Opinions are set in stone and there is no changing it. It's like trying to convince a heterosexual that g4y sex is the only way to go. Talk all you want but it ain't gonna do no good.

Jeff....OMG!! Does she really go to those anti-American rallies? (yes, that's what they are) Holy crap d00d! I'm not a fan of war but but I'm less a fan of getting sand kicked in my face over and over. That's what Iraq has been doing with all this delay tactic crap.


February 14th, 2003, 04:59 PM
See there...DAMN IT!! I denounce these discussions and STILL end up in them. DAMN U Dirge and Crazy!!!


February 14th, 2003, 05:04 PM
its all cause of me baby all cause of me!!!! hahaha im attrative like glue!!! :laugh: i luv u mad max will u marry me please???? jk lol good point about the gay thing , made me laugh.

February 14th, 2003, 05:05 PM
also what i want to know is where and the heck is sobe while im gettin raped over here by these people , i come in to help her out and she ditches me!!!!!!!!!! errrr i am never helpin anyone ever again!!:laugh: :laugh: lol i love these similie things their pimp

February 14th, 2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
hahaha im attrative like glue!!!

uhh... glue isn't attractive, it's adhesive.... magnets are attractive. oh, and hot girls, too. and they're even more awesomer than magnets. but that's beside the point.

As for the rest...

Originally posted by CrAzYbOnEs
i luv u mad max will u marry me please???? jk lol good point about the gay thing , made me laugh.

I'm not gonna touch that; I'll let MadMax and his bottle of JD settle that with you.

February 14th, 2003, 08:48 PM
I really don't like Bush either.

February 14th, 2003, 09:58 PM
All i have to say it God Blees America and Bush for haveing the guts to stand up against terroists trying to take are freedom way.Just because they hid in countrys and relgion that always them to blow innocent people up and things it is their god will that they can do it.That my friends is twisted and must be dealt with now.

February 15th, 2003, 02:39 PM
HEHE, Yeah, Crazy, SoBe done just up and left you high and dry. Start a thread and abandon the whole thing. My wife and I argue bout this stuff almost every day. Doh! The rally she goin to is in Hollywood, today. Martin Sheen and all our Liberal City Council will be there. w00t. Maybe I can arrest them too!! Dirge, wasn't worried much bout North Korea, just makin a point. They startin up a Nukes program and we not doin much, cuz they don't have anything we want! Sometimes you have to stop and think bout Iraq tho. Oil IS a huge commodity, and we do need it. It does make one take pause. That's all.

February 15th, 2003, 05:05 PM
I shudder to think of Clinton being in office when the WTC was hit.

[Cajun] BigEasy
February 19th, 2003, 07:34 AM
This thread seems dead and I don't want to stir up trouble but it .. so yeah. I'll keep my liberal mouth shut. We should all get together and :hug

February 19th, 2003, 07:41 AM
lol Probably for the best, I'm feeling feisty this morning! lol

February 19th, 2003, 09:17 AM
Well just to add my thoughts most people's views about politics and religion and set in stone like Big Brother said. All I really want to say about this is that long as they are not trying to force their opinions down my thought I really don't care what they think until it affects me I know it seems kind of like a bad side to take but if not you just end up frustrated and mad when someone tells you that they think you are wrong and you are sure they are wrong.
But on a lighter side I still have not got to play on you cs server's much yet and if anyone was thinking of trying out pneumonia this year trust me it is not that good of a thing to do. Just getting over it myself.

February 19th, 2003, 10:36 AM
Well everyone is entitled to their opion even if they are wrong!

February 19th, 2003, 02:49 PM
I find it quite interesting that the person that started this thread has yet to try to rebute any of the statments made herein.

February 19th, 2003, 02:54 PM
I think that can be summed up with

February 19th, 2003, 03:37 PM
Well, yeah, that... and the fact that she seems to only visit our forums once a month or so, and only if the moon is right. But probably mostly cause she got toe' up.

I'm pretty sure she didn't realize we have a Dirge around here when she posted that :)

February 20th, 2003, 12:03 AM
Well NOW she know's....lol..Oh and GOOD JOB Dirge..

February 20th, 2003, 06:16 AM
hehehe Thank you. Just trying to keep people properly informed.

February 20th, 2003, 11:21 PM
forget a war... everyone ok with this ideal?


February 21st, 2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Cypher
Well, yeah, that... and the fact that she seems to only visit our forums once a month or so,

im trying to figure out what else happens once a month.... interesting.

February 21st, 2003, 05:45 PM

February 21st, 2003, 07:06 PM
This war is more than just about oil, we only get between 10 and 15 percent from Iraq, and that number gets less every year, Canada and South America are now taking over there spot, also we have said that if we liberate Iraq that the oil belongs to the people, not the US, so this whole thing about oil is very thin. This is about over throwing a man who has killed, Murdered, and tortured thousands. This war is about stopping a man who, I believe, has funded, trained and supported terrorism. This is also about dismantling an institution of thugs and wanna-be gangsters who oppress and lie to there own people. The government of Iraq is trying to play big shot, and they suck at it. Just this week, the Philippine Government found an Iraqi advisor in their country helping terrorists there, they kindly asked him to leave. I am not sure where any of you guys were on September 11th, but I can sure as hell tell you, I don’t want to have to remember another date like that for the rest of my life because we failed to stop Iraq from funding and training dumb asses to attack us. All you pacifists who just want to hide with your head in the ground, well be my guest, just don’t be surprised when you turn on your TV one day and CNN is reporting that there has been a chemical or nuclear attack here, yes that is right I SAID HERE, our home.

Oh and about these peaceful protestors, my friend who is in the NAVY stationed in London said that there were riots and looting that went on, funny thing is the media did not report it there..mmmmm. I guess it would look bad if these so called peaceful people turned out to be just a bunch of followers who had nothing better to do than slander our county because theirs sucks. Why??? WHY do these people want to hide and just let Iraq grow stronger, if we don’t stop them now while they are weak, then we really will have to fight a big war to stop them. Iraq has invaded countries before and he will do it again, if we let them get stronger. These damn UN inspectors are never going to find anything in a country the size of California. I am sure Iraq has hundreds of underground bunkers and ways to deceive these guys. These guys also travel around in big convoys that say, “Hey look at us coming, we are here to disarm you,” IDIOTS.

Anyways enough on my rant, In my view, it is our way or no way, The US is the big brother to the rest of the world, get used to it, you may not like this job, but someone has to do it. We are a nation of people made up from other nations of people. If you don’t like that then take your NAZI views and go live somewhere else. We have the right to ask questions, we have the right to protect ourselves and we have the moral obligation to protect others, and if any of you think different just stick your opinion out there; it will fall on deaf ears, the real majority of people in the US will not let the cowardly stand in the way of what MUST BE DONE. What has all this protesting done, NOTHING, President Bush has said that his opinion will not be affected by protestors; a little “up yours” from the boss. OMG I am losing my mind, how with all this evidence can you people still think that Iraq is innocent…I know, you are probably the same people who thought OJ was innocent to….you surrender monkeys. I curse you all who feel that we the US are wrong. What is it going to take to convince some of you....I fear I know the answer… but by then it will be too late.

TREY LINNEY <- I put my name on this because I stand by it, in no way does it represents the views of my Clan, and I put my name on this so when the day comes that another Terrorist attacks us you will remember my name, I hope it will echo in your mind, along with guilt.

February 21st, 2003, 08:37 PM
doh Where's the stupid smilie for clapping?

nm I'll do it

clap clap clap

Thank you Lt Dan for your contribution. :D

Oh and BTW, I will put my name on it because I agree with you and am proud to pu mine:

Robby McElhannon

I'm sure you will enjoy my latest sig line...

[Cajun] BigEasy
February 24th, 2003, 07:42 AM
Its true our oil imports from Iraq aren't that large, but that's not to say that there isn't any money to make in Iraq. Let's learn from a real entrepreneur: **** Cheney.

Step one: Become a high ranking official in an administration willing to go to war with Iraq. (ex: Secretary of Defense in Gulf War I)

Step Two: Oversee the destruction of Iraq's oil field infrastructure.

Step Three: After the war is over become CEO of a large Energry Corporation.

Step Four: Sign a deal to provide equipment and services to help Iraq rebuild the very infrastructure you helped destroy.

Step Five: Sit back and rake in $73 Million dollars from Iraq and Saddam: the "motral threat" to our country.

Step Six: Wash, Rinse, Repeat. $73 million is pretty good but we can do better. This time let's try and get more of the estimated 2 billion dollars that can be made after this next war.

February 24th, 2003, 07:50 AM
Boy oh boy.... Your argument holds a lot of water... Do you not remember Iraq destroying their OWN oil wells? And contrary to popular belief, US companies did NOT reap a windfall from rebuilding the fields that IRAQ destroyed. And another point, IRAQ has limited exports, so you obviously are referring to Kuwait's oil fields. And if we wanted the oil, well geee our troops are already in Kuwait. Why don't we just take them over? We're already there and we have sufferred casualties from the natives there. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Why don't you give some collaborating evidence of Cheney's companies ties to the so called windfall from the Gulf War? I guarantee you the Us isn't making the money from Saddam. you know who is? The French. why do you think they are so opposed to this war? Get a clue.

[Cajun] BigEasy
February 24th, 2003, 08:00 AM

February 24th, 2003, 08:18 AM
okayyyyy So let me gett his straight... Cheney plotted to go to war with Iraq (hmmmmm never mind the invasion of Kuwait) Actually plot to destroy the infrastructure to make a profit off of it.. Okay then wait until 1998 and lobby the United nations (the same UN they are now having troubles with mind you) to pass a resolution to let you continue your master plan. Then a short 5 years later begin your master plan again. I must admit this is pretty ambitious for a man with known serious health problems to anticipate another windfall in a (if history is an example) approximately 7-10 years. Dang, you right! That has GOT TO Be it!

February 24th, 2003, 08:27 AM
Oh for gawd sakes....please let this thread die.


February 24th, 2003, 12:33 PM

February 24th, 2003, 12:52 PM

February 24th, 2003, 12:56 PM
Britian agrees..NATO is demanding that Iraq act now to disarm.. Where is bin laden???..How do you hunt a roach??...The fact is Iraq is in violation of an agreement it signed when the gulf war ended...There was another country once upon a time that violated arms agreements it singed after being put down in WWI...They were allowed to quietly build up a powerful military force.. That country went on to start the second world war. This isn't to say that Iraq is trying to achieve world dominance, but they must comply with the terms they agreed to. Sure oil plays a role, it's the oil from Iraq's neighbors that's at stake...not from Iraq.. If you don't think thats important just look at the gas prices as a result of the situation in South America..Until a viable solution can be implamented to eliminate our dependance on fossil fuels, oil will always be an issue.

February 24th, 2003, 08:11 PM
Yes it is strange how Germany seems to like Iraq…..don't you think. The Germans are probably looking at this whole situation and saying, "Oh you like to gas and kill people you find of lesser quality than you..mmmm we likes, and Oh, you want to secretly build up your military power after you have been ordered no to..mmmmm we really likes, just remember we have dibs on the French….what? oh no France we did not mean you….mahhh….mahhhh,

February 27th, 2003, 02:24 PM
I just got this in an email today. What kinda crap is this? This is the kinda crap people are actually believing and then saying to stop the war with Iraq b/c of it. Makes me wanna PUKE

Dear Friend,

You can stop the war and save a lot of children by distributing this e-mail
to all your friends, making the truth available to public. Colin Powell is
blackmailed by oilmen -- that's why he supports the war so strongly, but if
we tell the truth to everybody, Mr.Powell will have nothing to hide anymore
and will stop pushing this war.

A lot of people suppose that US-Iraq crisis is about oil. Opponents say,
that Colin Powel, who is the frontman of Bush's administration in this
conflict, is not an oilman. Actually, he was against this war only a couple
of month ago, because he knew that Iraq doesn’t have prohibited weapons.
Recently, he has changed his opinion. But why? Because oilmen know that
Mr.Powell is a gay and started blackmailing him.

The world knows a lot of brave soldiers, who are gays or transsexuals. There
is nothing wrong being both gay and soldier. For example, Colonel (Valerie
Arkell-Smith) Barker changed her gender after successfully finishing her
career. There are gay Mayors, gay Lieutenants and there are gay Generals
too. And Mr. Powell is one of them.

He is a brave general, but he hesitates to tell the truth to the world.
But we think that Colin has nothing to hide, he is a good guy, he even
deserves to become the next President of the United States, the first gay
President of the United States.

But we have to inspire him and help him make the right decision. So please
send this letter to 10 your friends and make the world a peaceful place.


Association of Gay American Solders.

February 27th, 2003, 04:33 PM
Question: Rooster why are you getting email's from Gay American Solders?

February 27th, 2003, 11:28 PM
You mean your not getting them too snake.....mmmmm I thought everyone got them. Oh and about this e-mail, it was probably written by a Nazi, no for real, they are just trying to call him gay or make him seem that way so they can discredit him. Read between the lines here, this letter was not written by someone who’s ignorance is greater than the entire country of France, no it was written by someone with there own agenda, and that is make Powell look bad, not save him from the bad oil men. Not to worry, this type of writing only inspires idiots to regurgitate this nonsense in the presents of other fellow glue addicts while on there lunch brake at Wal-Mart.

February 28th, 2003, 04:01 PM
Anyone that crashes air planes, full of innocent people, into buildings full of innocent people, should be killed. Anyone harboring this type of person, and protecting them in their country, should be punished for not allowing us to find him. Anyone creating illegal nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and not responding to ultimatums from the UN should be opressed to the point of not being able to continue production of such weapons. Kill Osama and Maim Sadam, its that simple.

February 28th, 2003, 07:34 PM
It was a random email that just showed up that day. I would like to know if anyone else is getting this kinda crap or is it just me?

February 28th, 2003, 10:18 PM
Glue sniffing addicts on break at Wal-mart...Im a store manager there...Ohh Maybe thats why there is always a long line to get in the break room and i cant get them to work...Thanks Lt. Dan for figuring that one out for me..hehehe

March 1st, 2003, 12:27 PM
doh, I have destroyed the complexe glue sniffing ring at wal-mart, they will be looking for me...damn the man, shhhhhh, they are close now....looks like I picked the wrong week to quit emphedimeans

March 1st, 2003, 04:03 PM

Ex-Glue sniffing addict..;)
