View Full Version : Black Hawk Down -Demo-

January 22nd, 2003, 08:59 PM
Just whant to let you guys know about this game.I played the DEMO that came with PC-Gamer and man it looks good, It was cool as hell flying in on a little bird HUEY were your hanging off the side of the heli and snipping guys as you fly bye.then you land and jump off.
Your team mates back you up as you take a building.NOW the AI was alittle dumb and of couse its a NOVA LOGIC game but it did look sweet with all setting maxed out. and getting on the roof of the building manning the 50. Cal and blowwing up waves of Skinneys in trucks wow :d:

January 23rd, 2003, 07:38 AM
Yeah I agree Big Poppa, I liked it as well,
it's no CS, but had a nice look to it.
BP is right about the AI and the M4 w/scope is cool.
You should definately download it and give it a whirl.
