View Full Version : Remember my Computer problem from a year and a half ago?

January 6th, 2003, 06:17 AM

This post is for those of you that remember the weird things that happened to my computer about a year and a half ago. For those that don't remember, I will re-hash what happened: I was asleep and woke up with this urge to check my email. I sat up in bed and I could hear my computer (in a completely different room) begin to boot itself up. This kinda freaked me out (alot).

I have an explination for this occurance that will explain (I think) the whole thing. Here goes...

At that time, I had a crappy keyboard that cost me like $5 or something. It worked well (when it worked), but some of the keys (namely the space bar) were known to stick. Well, this keyboard died a horrible death a while back, and I never thought of it again (we're still finding keyboard keys in the "office").
Well, the other day, I sat down at my computer (which was not turned on) and was messing with Lucy (our dog). Lucy jumped up and hit the space bar on my keyboard, and my computer started to boot. This intrigued me...so I shut down my computer once it got into Windows. I let it sit there for a while, then I hit the space bar. Sure enough, the computer booted.

What happened that night: I had played CS until late (for me) that evening and then I had gone to bed. The space bar of my computer was probably stuck in the depressed position. Once asleep, I sub-consciously heard my computer beep for the second time(there are two beeps on my computer: 1) POST and 2) My monitor turning on causes my battery backup to beep ). The computer, I think, booted because the space bar "un-clicked" itself sometime in the middle of the night.

That's my theory now, anyway...

January 6th, 2003, 06:23 AM
When I was working at a computer store, we built a computer that would boot up when you clicked the mouse button...never had one do that before or since, but it was cool though.

January 6th, 2003, 06:43 AM
i still think it was casper...

January 6th, 2003, 06:47 AM
Yeah, I checked the BIOS before I left for work. It's actually a setting on my MoBo to have it turn on with the space bar. Go figure.

January 6th, 2003, 06:56 AM
Beware the penguins!

January 6th, 2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
Yeah, I checked the BIOS before I left for work. It's actually a setting on my MoBo to have it turn on with the space bar. Go figure.

Yeah I had a mobo that I could set to do that (it was off by default though). I miss that feature :(

January 6th, 2003, 10:43 AM
ASUS A7A 266 is my board...don't know how the option got turned on, but now that I know it is, I like it.

January 6th, 2003, 10:52 AM
yeah i liked it cause when i came home and my computer was off, i could turn it on from across the room by hurling something at the keyboard... chances were pretty good that it would hit the space bar and power that baby up.

of course, now i never turn off my computers so i dont care that much...

too bad the space bar cant be set to turn OFF the computer too... that would be a great prank :)

January 6th, 2003, 04:14 PM
LOL>..yes, that would be cool.


January 6th, 2003, 04:22 PM
Talk to Lt. Dan...His CPU Nazis have been on the loose as of late and he's been too busy trying to catch em that he's not been on lately

January 7th, 2003, 07:36 AM
Check ur puter setup when u boot.

January 9th, 2003, 04:37 AM
My brother freaked out a couple fo times because his computer booted for no reason in the middle of the night. But it actually turns out that he had his computer's "wake on LAN" feature enabled and my other brother was messing around in the middle of the night and looking for "stuff" (p0rn most likely, lol) on his hard drive.

He has also had his printer come on and start printing weird characters in the middle of the night. No explanation yet for that one.

My home stereo likes to turn itself on in the middle of the night. It also picks up CB radios when they drive by on the street in fron of my house, even when it is "off" (remote controlled power stuff is never really "off" it's just in standby). It also occasionally uses my house wiring as an antenna and picks up foreign radio programs when "off". Freaked me out one night, i was laying on the couch reading, I was the only one home, and I kept hearing voices. I checked outside, nobody around. Go back inside, start reading again, still hear voices. Finally realized it was coming from my speakers. Put my head up against them to listen (it comes in very faint, can only hear it when nobody is making noise in the house) and I realized that it was someone singing in "ese", Chinese, Japanese, some kinda "ese", lol.

What I want to know thought, is why does all this weird junk happen in the middle of the night?

January 9th, 2003, 05:37 AM
I know what you mean. From time to time, my computer speakers broadcast CB from truckers driving down the Interstate (over a mile from my house). Kinda weird. Also, I have been playing on my computer before and heard someone whisper (loudly) "Scott" (my name) outside my window. I thought ti was a friend of mine, so I said, "WHAT?!" No reply. I didn't do anything, till about 2 mintues later it happened again. I got up and opened the front door...lo and behold, there was no-one there!! H4x!!

January 9th, 2003, 05:55 AM
you guys are haunted.
