View Full Version : i cant get my maps to install

January 3rd, 2003, 07:56 AM
i downloaded the maps from the server cause i just unistalled cs yesterday cause of the script problem i had and now i cant get them to reinstall prpoperly whenever i go into ur server i have to download the map. where do i install them to? i usualy do it to C:Sierra/Counter STrike/cstrike is that wrong? ive been having this problem lately with my pc . it seems every time i got to connect to a server, ill connect at like 105 but then itll just stick there intil i finallly disconnect and then i have to go all over again. anyone ever had these problems please let me know how to fix em.
P.S i found a SCRIPT I LIKE!!!!

January 3rd, 2003, 08:23 AM
okay you have to make sure that the install path looks like this if you are using the retail version of cs


for mod version


now also, if you are downloading the indivual maps, some of them you will need to install like this..

C:\SIERRA\Counter-strike\ or C:\SIERRA\Half-life\

that should do the trick.
