View Full Version : Hot news on the biggest game makers

November 27th, 2002, 11:35 PM
Well boys and girls the new king of rpgs which was formally held by squaresoft is now square-enix thats right the makers of dragons quest which some will remember as dragon warrior have now merged with squaresoft, which has really made square about 50 times stronger that it already was, the merger will be complete by april of 2003, which means you can expect even more rpgs to be coming to the ps2 as well as other consoles very soon. also if your still not familar with enix they made some great rpgs during the snes, actraiser IandII, and several other hit rpgs just cant remember there names right now. anyway this is great news for the rpg world. long live square-enix!!

December 9th, 2002, 12:53 AM
yeah but Act Raiser sucked. will if you picked the rpg part the acction was good. i still have it. i dont know why.

December 9th, 2002, 01:37 AM
no my friend actraiser did not suck to this day i still have and play that game from time to time, now part two did but one was awesome. also enix are the makers of the dragon warrior series back on the nes.
