View Full Version : Metroid Impressions

November 11th, 2002, 06:10 PM
Reviews and impressions of the finished build of Metroid Prime are starting to appear on the 'net. IGN posted impressions over the weekend - they even had the PS2 editors participate in the testing as well. It was unanimous, Metroid rocks. It is not a typical FPS - it is simply a highly successful transformation of Metroid into the third dimension. The graphics are sharp, the framerate is smooth, and the gameplay oozes classic Metroid. It encourages and rewards the player for exploring. There are tons of upgrades to be earned, and tons of secrets to discover, and lots of bosses to be defeated. Those that worried the classic vertical jumping of the originals would be lost in the transition to 3D need not worry. The jumping is not only plentiful, it is effective and unrivaled in its execution. The grappling hook and double jump are in full effect. The morph ball is given new life in 3D. Finally, the variety of weapons and visor modes really gives you the sense of being in the bounty hunter's power suit. The original Metroid is even included as an unlockable bonus.

IGN just rated it a 9.8 - saying it rivals Super Metroid on the SNES as the best game in the series. Yet another great game exclusive to the GameCube. If you were considering a GameCube this holiday season, don't wait. Go buy the new platinum colored GC and pre-order Metroid. You won't be disappointed.

I can't wait till next week.






December 10th, 2002, 08:36 AM
d00d I got this game Friday and I can barely put it down... Even when tamjungler comes opn the server!!!! It is sweet. The graphics are incredible. It looks like another world actually! It looks like someone handdrew the entire environment. Then when you start to recognize and rememebr everything from the old metroids... w00t The BEST "port" of a classic game into new technology. With enough new angles, play control, plot, monsters, etc to make it an awesome game. If you have a Gamecube, you have got to play this game. If you don't have a gamecube, then get one and play this game.

w00ty w00t w00t

December 10th, 2002, 11:12 AM
gettin it for xmas. gettin Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime with it.

I shall own the 3 major systems. Im not biased, im a true gamers, i side with no one system.

so now my total system count is: SNES,Dreamcast,PSone,PS2,Xb0x,Gamecube(on the way), Game Boy Pocket.

December 10th, 2002, 11:13 AM
i really want a gamecube, just for metroid, zelda, and mario, and thats it, i heard rumors of it dropping $50 more, but they may wait till after the holidays

December 10th, 2002, 12:35 PM
Sam's has a pretty sweet comb deal right now. Comes with a game (Starfox I think) and memory card for like $180 or something.

Anyway, trust me Metroid is well worth every penny!

December 10th, 2002, 01:07 PM
I'll be playing Metroid after Christmas hopefully. w00t w00t

December 10th, 2002, 10:40 PM
Glad to see someone else is enjoying Metroid as much as I am. Definitely one of my favorite games of all time.

I think the Mario Bundle is $189, includes the cube, Mario, and a memory card. Saves you about $25 versus buying individually. I've also heard mention of rebates at Circuit City among others. If they haven't announced a price drop yet, I doubt they will before Christmas. If the Cube drops to $100 just a little over a year after release, that will be an incredible deal.

Noxious, I too am getting Animal Crossing for Christmas. Maybe we can hook each other up via some trades. I may set my Cube's internal clock back a few days so I can get into the game before all the Christmas stuff appears on 12/25. I also just read that the original Mario and Zelda NES games are indeed unlockable.

Congrats on owning all three systems. I wish I had time to play more than one console - I've had difficulty keeping up with all the great games on the Cube alone. I don't think you will be disappointed. By waiting, you should be able to pick up some older games cheap, like Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness.

[Cajun] BigEasy
December 11th, 2002, 06:27 AM
Must fight the desire to spend money I don't have .... Zelda may be too powerful though.

December 15th, 2002, 08:54 AM
Word is Zelda got a 40/40 from Famitsu, Japan's most respected gaming publication. Only the 4th game to ever get a perfect score (Zelda: OoT on the N64 was another).

I can't wait until March...maybe I'll actually get 100% complete on Metroid by then :)
