View Full Version : Trombonist Kills Trumpeter

October 22nd, 2002, 06:11 AM
For all of you who didn't know I am a trombone player, and one of my trombone buddies sent me this, and it sent me rolling in the floor...I thought I'd pass it on:

Man Slides His Trombone & Kills
Trumpeter in Front of Him!

By Randy Jeffries / Weekly World News
(January 23, 1996)

BOCHOLT, GERMANY - A band musician died of a brain injury when the trombonist behind him jerked the slide of his trombone forward and struck the trumpeter in the back of the head. Police say the tragedy occurred as the Gratzfeld College Band was rehearsing the spirited American jazz classic, When The Saints Go Marching In.

According to other band members, trombonist Peter Niemeyer, 19, "got carried away" with the music. He started gyrating and thrashing around as he played.At one point, he jerked forward and the rounded metal slide on his instrument hit trumpet player Dolph Mohr, 20, dropping him instantly to the floor.

"Niemeyer was pumping the slide very hard," said medical examiner Dr. Max Krause. "But it wasn't just the force of the blow that killed Mohr. The slide struck him in the worst possible place -- the vulnerable spot just behind and below the left ear. Bone fragments pierced his brain, killing him instantly."

The incident has provoked a storm of controversy over whether or not American jazz should be played in German colleges. "I believe the music is to blame," said Gratzfeld band director Heinrich Sommer. "I was pressured to play that selection by school administrators. But I've always said jazz is dangerous music. Our musicians can't control themselves when they play it. They move and rock back and forth, creating chaos. If I had my way, American Dixieland would be outlawed in Germany. I've been directing bands for 30 years and I've never heard of anyone dying while playing a German march."

October 22nd, 2002, 06:26 AM
You know, I used to play trumpet in high school and through part of college (I played French Horn and the Mellophone the rest) and I was ALWAYS worried about getting bashed in the head by the trombones! Bastages!


October 22nd, 2002, 06:45 AM
Hey it's all in how you work the slide, I was a trombonest in high school and I too took out many of a trumpet and those scary french hornist.

October 22nd, 2002, 07:20 AM
.......and this one time, at band camp, I killed a trumpet player.



October 22nd, 2002, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
[B(I played French Horn and the Mellophone the rest)
j/k [/B]

Somehow or another... this really does not surprise me ;) :blue:

October 22nd, 2002, 11:15 AM
