View Full Version : CS:GO | NUKE is Back!

March 25th, 2016, 03:13 PM
All of you lonely, half-tanked, linux beard wearing CS:1.6ers know you have missed this map. NUKE blew up on the scene back in BETA 4.0 days and then turned Chernobyl cold after the March 31st, 2015 update. Nuke has been changed slightly with each update, removing or revamping bits and pieces making more confrontation a must. Yet the CS Devs, through some small amount of wisdom, removed the Cedar Creek Nuclear Power Plant from the Active Duty Pack. Baaahhh!!! Sniper battles center map were a thing to be remembered. The P90 rush through the front door a thing of the past. The past until now that is!


The main goals of this complete overhaul and re-build of the map were to improve gameplay by providing the Terrorist team with more tactical options, and to visually upgrade the map with a higher-quality, more readable aesthetic. We set out to adjust rotation times between the stacked bombsites, Counter-Terrorist strategic control of the rafters, and added a new outdoor attack route.

Give the Terrorists more options. Tactical options? Come on now, Terrorists rush and rush well. A good planned rush could break any fortified bomb site. I could see the issue with rotation times though. This is not Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol where it takes 40 mins to countdown 3 while getting your butt kicked in a real life car vending machine. No this is CS where that damn beeper beeps faster.......and faster........and frantically faster. ROTATE!

So clean up THAT corner of your living room, office, kitchen, garage, man cave, wherever and fire up that old dinosaur of a gaming rig. Kick the wheels, log into STEAM, and get on Counter Strike:Global Offensive [CS:GO]. Lets go stop the Terrorist from going Nuclear!

March 30th, 2016, 07:02 AM
I played some CS:GO recently.. not bad really... miss the old server days.. b00n!

March 30th, 2016, 07:32 AM
Hit me up if you see me on. I will Rally a map or two with you. I still play CS quite a bit other than the last month.

March 31st, 2016, 07:15 AM
dude.. I suck even worse than i did back in the day... shit is hard!

March 31st, 2016, 08:47 AM
LOL and here we are bitching online that it is getting easier. They seem to fix the spray and pray issues that Source had. It does seem a little harder to pown the newbs, or at least it takes a few more bullets. :) I like the small fast map packs they have though. I hate the creep across a HUGE map to hunt a camping punk.
