View Full Version : What's up?

July 22nd, 2010, 08:15 PM
Hey guys!
I know I don't drop in like I should, but I'm gonna start coming by more often...I promise. I don't really do much gaming any more, but I do play CS and CS:Source from time to time - but I mostly find Deathmatch servers - I don't have the attention span, or patience to play regular style matches any more. Not really running a Gaming rig either - I've got a Core i3, and I'm using the on-CPU graphics - but it plays CS:Source surprisingly well at 1680...my other computer is a Macbook these days, and it's Nvidia 9400 isn't much better :-)

Anyway - not too much going on for me, just working hard as usual. I signed up this past February to be a Big Brother w/ Big Brother/Big Sisters, and that's probably been the coolest thing I've ever done - my little's name is Michael, and he is 10 - we do all kinds of stuff together, and we see each other usually twice a week.

Anyway -see y'all around - let me know what servers you who still play some form of CS play on - I'll see if you are ever on when I am.

Here is a pic of Michael and I at the Darlington race this past May.


July 23rd, 2010, 10:20 AM
heya max! :D

July 23rd, 2010, 11:22 AM
Cool Jayson :) Could not think of a better big brother man, you would make a good roll model for any kid.. You need to teach him to play the guitar as well as you do, I bet he would love that :)

July 23rd, 2010, 05:47 PM
Hey mano. Yes you better be around more. Plus we seem to see MERCS in CS here and there. There is a free game out there right now called Alien Swarm. It is fun.
