View Full Version : TyLeR's TERRIFIC UT2k3 TIPS!

September 17th, 2002, 05:16 PM
I intend to keep up with a lot of the UT stuff right cher... a lot will just be regurgitated from elsewhere but at least itll be handy right here at home... so for starters heres some stuff...

Servers ive been playing in and loving...



||||| V A L H A L L A |||||||

September 17th, 2002, 05:19 PM
<b>Tech Issues</b>

Be sure to download the demo patch! It fixes many problems, most notably Voodoo support and server browser problems.
If the demo is running poorly for no apparent reason, try turning the Audio Mode to “Safemode.”

UT2003 has very high system requirements, so try turning the settings on the details settings page to the absolute minimum if you’re not getting good performance. A 733MHz processor, 128 MB of RAM, and a TNT2-class or above card are the minimum requirements, but a 1.0 GHz, 256 MB RAM, and a GeForce2-class card or higher is highly recommended.

Make sure you have DirectX 8.1b. Download it here.

The master server for the in-game browser has been up and down, so sometimes in-game server listings won’t appear. You can still browse servers in GameSpy Arcade, which lists all UT2003 servers.

If you get a "Assertion failed: RenDev [File:WinViewport.cpp] [Line: 536]" bug on Voodoo 3/5 cards, set your desktop resolution to 16 bit and also don't try to run the game in 32 bit mode. If you can't get the game to start up any more set Use16bit to true in the D3DRenderDevice section of your UT2003.ini file.

If you’re curious about how well UT2003 performs on your system, run benchmark.exe in the system directory. It will launch four separate demos (two flythroughs and two botmatches) and report your total average frame rates at the end.

To see your FPS in-game, bring down the console with the "~" and type "stat fps" (without the quotation marks).

For more information and help, be sure to read the README file!


Once your Adrenaline reaches 100 (you can get this either through collecting pills or murdering people, and Adrenaline is cumulative), you’ll hear a voice that says “Adrenaline!” and you can tap special power-up moves. Here’s what they are:
Speed: forward, forward, forward, forward
Regen: back, back, back, back
Invisibility: strafeleft, strafeleft, straferight, straferight
Berserk: forward, forward, back, back


To double jump, jump a second time while at the height of your jump.
Dodging works just like UT. Double tap in any direction. If you quickly jump at the height of your dodge, you'll do a dodge jump.

To wall jump, run along a wall and jump into it. Thens jump and strafe in the opposite direction when you hit the wall.

Also like UT, you can jump while on the lifts in Antalus and get an extra boost.


If you want to see the camera on the Translocator, press the translocator selection key after you’ve thrown it. Then press secondary fire to actually translocate. You can use the translocator as a "security camera" for CTF games. Place the translocator at a base entrance. You can then refer to the camera view of the translocator and pan the camera around to keep an eye on the entrance.
The Shield Hammer acts pretty much like UT’s Impact Hammer. If you charge up, you can do a rocket-type-jump with it. Secondary fire is a shield, which you can use to reflect most weapon fire.

Assault Rifle grenades explode on impact, so if you’re desperate just charge your enemy and grenade them up close.

Hold down primary while charging up rockets with secondary, and the rockets will fire in a swirling pattern rather than a spread.

Remember that in team games, you can link your Link Gun up to a teammate’s by using secondary fire on them while they’re using the Link Gun as well. This will increase your damage, and up to three people can link. Don’t cross the streams!

Shock combos are easy with UT2003, just shoot the orb with secondary fire and then hit the orb with primary fire. Shock combo.

If you're interested in trying out the Redeemer, you can kinda try it out in single-player games by editing your USER.INI file in your system directory, scrolling down until you see a blank, say "G=" and replacing that with:

G=set xweapons.rocketlauncherPickup PickupMessage You got the Redeemer! | set xweapons.rocketlauncher FireModeClass Class'XWeapons.RedeemerFire' | set xweapons.rocketlauncherPickup StaticMesh StaticMesh'WeaponStaticMesh.RedeemerPickup' | set XWeapons.RedeemerFire AmmoClass Class'XWeapons.RocketAmmo' | set xweapons.rocketlauncher Mesh SkeletalMesh'Weapons.Redeemer_1st' | set xweapons.rocketlauncher AttachmentClass Class'XWeapons.RedeemerAttachment'| set xweapons.rocketlauncher PlayerViewOffset (X=7,Y=2,Z=-7.75) | set xweapons.rocketlauncher DrawScale 0.4

Now if you go into the game (keep in mind this won't work online), hit G, pick up the rocket launcher, and boom: it's a Redeemer. (Thanks to VoX for the tip)

<b>Bombing Run</b>

Bombing run takes a little getting used to, but it's a blast. The goal is to get the ball through your opponents goal, either by throwing it through for a field goal (3 points) or jumping through it for a touchdown (7 points). When you have the ball, your health recharges.
At the top-middle of your HUD in Bombing Run is a radar that changes to the color of the team which currently has possession. If nobody has the ball, it's yellow. The small yellow ball points towards the location of the ball, if it’s loose. If you have the ball, it guides you towards the goal (it also guides you towards the enemy base in CTF).

To pass the ball, secondary fire at a player to lock on. You can pass to teammates and opponents alike, try passing to an unsuspecting enemy and then blast them while they’re defenseless. You can also throw the ball away or into the air if you need to attack someone while you’re making a run.

Just for fun, try jumping into the torches on low-grav Bombing Run games.

In both Bombing Run and CTF, you can press N or M to view "tracers" to the flags or goals.

<b>Console Commands</b>

To use console commands, press "~" while in game. Then type one of the following commands:
GOD - God Mode
LOADED - Gives all weapons, ammo and 100 adrenaline
FLY - You can fly around
GHOST - Noclip
WALK - You stop flying
STAT FPS - Displays your frames per second
STAT NET - Shows network game play statistics
SLOMO 1 - Sets the speed of the game back to normal real time speed
SLOMO 2 - Sets speed to double. Increase number to go faster
SLOMO .5 - Sets speed to half. Decrease number to go slower
BEHINDVIEW 1 - Changes to third person view
BEHINDVIEW 0 - Changes to first person view

<b>Disable Announcer</b>

If you're sick of the announcer, edit your USER.INI file in your UT2003 system folder and change:

September 17th, 2002, 05:20 PM
<b>Speech Taunts</b>

(Submitted by [RSDT]Chad) A lot of you probably have noticed UT2003 Demo doesn't come with a speech binder. I really love my speech binds and couldn't do without them in the UT2003 so I took the time to figure this out. Advanced users may notice that it's difference than the original UT's. For example "speech 0 1 0" for "Roger" changed to "speech ack 3". This will help others that love their speech binds get by until the full version of UT2003 comes out.
To bind your speech manually go into UT2003Demo/System folder and open your User.ini file. Usually you can just double-click on the file and it will open in Notepad. If not then make sure the program you open it with is Notepad.

Once you have opened User.ini you will see your controls all listed under [Engine.Input]. You may have to scroll down a bit until you get past all the Aliases to "0=SwitchWeapon 0". That's the beginning of all your controls. For example "A=" is your A key, "RShift=" is your right shift button and "Alt=" is you Alt key.

Now just edit your keys by placing the speech that you want to bind beside it. Check the quick reference guide in order to see the speech codes. Then once you edit your User.ini file to perfection save it. In case you screw it up maybe you should also keep a back up copy of your current User.ini file.

A=speech ack 0
B=speech other 0
C=speech order 3
D=speech order 0
E=speech other 12
F=speech friendlyfire 1
G=speech ack 1

The Quick reference guide below that shows you all the codes for binding your speech. I also included Animated Taunts like Cheer, Beckon etc. that aren't in Controls.

speech ack 0 = "Alfirmative"
speech ack 1 = "Got it!"
speech ack 2 = "I'm on it!"
speech ack 3 = "Roger"

Friendly Fire:
speech friendlyfire 0 = "I'm On Your Team!"
speech friendlyfire 1 = "I'm On Your Team, Idiot!"
speech friendlyfire 2 = "Same Team!"

Orders: speech order 0 = "Defend The Base"
speech order 1 = "Hold This Position"
speech order 2 = "Attack"
speech order 3 = "Cover Me"
speech order 4 = "Search and Destroy"

Other: speech other 0 = "Base is undefended!"
speech other 1 = "Somebody get our flag back!"
speech other 2 = "I've got the flag"
speech other 3 = "I've got your back"
speech other 4 = "I'm hit!"
speech other 5 = "Man down!"
speech other 6 = "I'm all alone here"
speech other 7 = "Negative!"
speech other 8 = "I've got our flag"
speech other 9 = "I'm in position %l"
speech other 10 = "I'm going in!"
speech other 11 = "Area is secure"
speech other 12 = "Enemy flag carrier is %l"
speech other 13 = "I need some backup"
speech other 14 = "Incoming!"
speech other 15 = "Enemy ball carrier is %l"
speech other 16 = "Alpha secure!"
speech other 17 = "Bravo secure!"
speech other 18 = "Attack Alpha"
speech other 19 = "Attack Bravo"
speech other 20 = "The base is under attack %l"
speech other 21 = "We're being overrun %l!"
speech other 22 = "Under heavy attack %l"
speech other 23 = "Defend point Alpha"
speech other 24 = "Defend point Bravo"
speech other 25 = "Get The Ball"
speech other 26 = "I'm on defense"
speech other 27 = "I'm on offense"
speech other 28 = "Take point Alpha"
speech other 29 = "Take point Bravo"
speech other 30 = "Medic"
speech other 31 = "Nice"
speech other 32 = "I can't feel my legs"
speech other 33 = "Nice Shot"

speech taunt 0 ="And Stay Down"
speech taunt 1 ="Anyone Else Want Some?"
speech taunt 2 ="Boom!"
speech taunt 3 ="BURN Baby"
speech taunt 4 ="Die Bitch"
speech taunt 5 ="Eat THAT"
speech taunt 6 ="You Fight Like Nali"
speech taunt 7 ="Is That Your Best?"
speech taunt 8 ="Kiss My Ass"
speech taunt 9 ="Loser"
speech taunt 10 ="MY House"
speech taunt 11 ="Next!"
speech taunt 12 ="Oh YEAH!"
speech taunt 13 ="Ownage"
speech taunt 14 ="Seeya"
speech taunt 15 ="That HAD To Hurt"
speech taunt 16 ="Useless"
speech taunt 17 ="You Play Like A Girl"
speech taunt 18 ="You Be Dead"
speech taunt 19 ="You Like That?"
speech taunt 20 ="You *****"
speech taunt 21 = "Life Is Pain, Get Over It"
speech taunt 22 = "Right Between The Eyes"
speech taunt 23 = "Tag 'Em And Bag 'Em"
speech taunt 24 = "That Was Nasty"
speech taunt 25 = "You Bleed Better Than You Shoot"
speech taunt 26 = "You Suck"

Animated Taunts (some aren't listed in controls):
taunt asssmack = Ass Smack
taunt gesture_beckon = Beckon
taunt gesture_cheer = Cheer
taunt gesture_halt = Halt
taunt pthrust = Pelvic Thrust
taunt throatcut = Throat Cut
