View Full Version : that one banner ad is soooooo wrong!

August 19th, 2002, 03:42 AM
Johnny's pizza.. why do you tease us non-North La people with that! Prob the one thing I miss about Monroe


Why won't Johnny exand to all areas of the state??? Does he think that people that go to school in Monroe/Ruston stay there after graduating??? :mad: ;(

August 19th, 2002, 09:07 AM
Why don't you ask BMF?


August 19th, 2002, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
Why don't you ask BMF?


dunno who that is

August 20th, 2002, 11:29 PM
ok then.. Ms Mr Johnny's daughter, could you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell your dad to expand into the other parts of the state, you know, the crappy parts, like New Orleans.

August 21st, 2002, 12:33 AM
Three words Vicious.... SWEEP THE KITCHEN

Order it and you'll know what I mean

August 21st, 2002, 12:56 AM
bah peppers, mushrooms, onions, and black olives... BLeagh...

August 21st, 2002, 02:14 AM
ditto... it has like everything on it, but since i don't like any of the vegetables on it i can't eat it unless i take the 30 minutes required to pick everything off since it is pretty packed...

August 21st, 2002, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by kraw
ok then.. Ms Mr Johnny's daughter, could you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell your dad to expand into the other parts of the state, you know, the crappy parts, like New Orleans.

f00 you better recognize! There's a reason we lead the country in obesity! I love Johnny's pizza, but damn man. Have you been to Rocky's, Italian Pie, Tower Pizza, Moma Rosa's, Mystic Cafe, Mona Lisa's... etc. j00 R b00n

Big Mama Funk
August 21st, 2002, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by kraw
ok then.. Ms Mr Johnny's daughter, could you pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell your dad to expand into the other parts of the state, you know, the crappy parts, like New Orleans.

Let me preface this by saying I am NOT the goto person for pizza questions. I just don't have all that information at my fingertips unless it's supper-time.

We *did* have stores/franchises throughout the ark-la-miss and a couple in Florida. They had to be closed down in the late 80's-early 90's. Now there are only around 26 stores in a more central area.

However, they now have a couple of "cook it at home" Take & Bake stores (On DeSaird in Monroe and Warren Drive in West Monroe) and soon pre-made pizzas that you can freeze/bake in the privacy and convenience of your own home will be available to be shipped nationwide.

Check the website for details and updates. You can also email Johnny and tell him what you think through the website.

Dirge, Johnny's has a Sugar Buster's pizza if you're watching your figure. It's not bad. *I* don't eat it, but that's because diet food of any kind is against my religion. :D

Vicious...yes, you should try it. Tell them you're an extra special friend of mine and use the code word "no tip". They might actually *sweep* the kitchen for toppings. :d:

DP...That's what Meat +'s are for!

...And btw, Mercs, Johnny's has banners that can be put up at LANS. If you're interested, call the home office and speak to Liz or Sabrina. Or you can drop me an email and I can see about arranging something.


August 21st, 2002, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by Vicious
Hey, BMF, since we're such good friends, could u get me one of those banners for my home? huh huh could you..PLEASE!!! *puppy dog eyes #12847*

brown nosin pansy boy... :P

August 21st, 2002, 09:14 AM
I got a good feeling BMF would send you something but I sure as hell wouldn't open it...especially when I heard the ticking and saw the oily stains on the wrapper. Gee Heather, why'd you put so many stamps on such a small package. :D


August 21st, 2002, 09:18 AM
hrmmm.... oily stains---? you sure that ticking wasn't--- ahh forget it i ain't even gonna go there this time :P...

Big Mama Funk
August 21st, 2002, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Big_Brother
I got a good feeling BMF would send you something but I sure as hell wouldn't open it...especially when I heard the ticking and saw the oily stains on the wrapper. Gee Heather, why'd you put so many stamps on such a small package. :D

Nah. I'm not authorized to give away banners for personal use. A couple of t-shirts and mugs, *maybe*.

And I wouldn't be so foolish as to *mail* it, silly.

Scene: BMF delivering a package to Vicious' very room.

(Mission Impossible theme plays in the background as BMF dons unflattering black spandex catsuit and football make-up. She grabs a matching black back pack and heads to Vicious'.)

BMF trips over Vicious' garbage can skulking up the driveway. A cat yowls in the night. She steps with exaggerated lightness, her arms held kangaroo-style and her knees hitting her boobs each step causing a repeating "oof" sound.

When she gets to the building, she sheds her backpack and takes out four plungers (black, of course). Using duct tape liberally, she affixes the plungers to both hands. Whispered vehement cursing is heard as she realizes that she now can't tape the other plungers on. Frantic ripping and more muffled curses mixed with more than a few pained sobs are heard.

Finally, she has the plungers in place and steps back to take a running leap at the wall...only to discover that plungers don't stick to brick and brick hurts like a son of a b***h. More ripping and muffled sobs are heard.

She manages to find a window and hoist half of her round body through it before realizing she is stuck and some knick knack has managed to become stuck in her cleavage. Slowly, she reaches behind into her handy dandy pack and pulls out a can of WD-40. She sprays the portion of her body that is stuck and a sudden "pop" is heard as she flies across the room.

In front her is the dreaded door and beyond that, Vicious' room. She sets down the back pack and struggles briefly to dislodge the knick knack that has migrated to her middle back in a way that more resembles the primitive dance of some fantastic sect of aborigines that worship cocaine riddled koala bears.

She begins to regret stopping at Taco Hell for a quick couple of bean burritos before her excursion. Her stomach begins making loud noises and a foul wind springs from behind her, creating a large air pocket in the butt of her cat suit.

The noise has awaken someone. BMF takes a flying leap through the window...barely squeezing out in time and landing on her air cushioned backside creating a "Phhhhrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" sound. Neighborhood dogs go nuts and BMF limps to her Funkmobile and drives to the nearest public bathroom saying, "The package stays with me....for now....MUHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

It's offical. I've lost my mind.

Big Mama Funk
August 21st, 2002, 10:14 AM
I never said it was a well thought out plan....

And no, he wouldn't just give me one, I don't think. Not without a good reason.

August 21st, 2002, 12:26 PM
can i see this said "Banner"?

Big Mama Funk
August 21st, 2002, 03:14 PM
I'm sorry, but no. Only 11th degree high mucky mucks can see it and only then after eight days of fasting and ritualistic purfication rites are observed. And then only on the third Tuesdays in months ending in "r" during a full mooon while wearing 12-pack beer hats.

August 23rd, 2002, 02:48 PM
how about i give ya 5 dollors?

Big Mama Funk
August 23rd, 2002, 02:54 PM
That'll get you Bea Aurthur's girdle with "Johnny's" written on the butt in permanent ink. Fifty cents more and we'll staple it to your head for you.

August 23rd, 2002, 03:42 PM
BMF - seriously, can you see about getting us 1 or 2 banners to hang on the walls at Bayou FragFest??

August 24th, 2002, 12:39 AM
Im sure that wouldnt be a problem at all, but I defer to the queen...

By the way, Jay, I'd like to talk to you privately about a few things concerning BFF. I'll catch ya on AIM.

August 24th, 2002, 12:56 AM
ummm, no Golden Girls for me.

Big Mama Funk
August 24th, 2002, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_Intimid8tor
BMF - seriously, can you see about getting us 1 or 2 banners to hang on the walls at Bayou FragFest??

Shouldn't be a problem. I'll call the office Monday.

August 24th, 2002, 10:41 AM
thank you

August 24th, 2002, 10:49 AM
OMG - BMF your funny - really funny - i dig the full movie script! w00t

Crazy White Boy
August 24th, 2002, 08:48 PM
ok, check this, i just ordered me a johhhnys 14in pizza all for my self, i am going to attempt to eat the whole thing. i will post pics ina diff thread w/ all the details. ":)

August 27th, 2002, 02:39 PM
bacon cheeseburger pizza.... mmmmmm

and I usuall choose the Italian Pie for my non-large franchise pizza dinning experiences

thx for the info BMF, I usually fill out one of the cards when I go there, but never seem to mail it :( I have had the take and bake, but thing about that is, after the 3hr drive back here to the slum, you either have to cook it that day or the next.. they won't even fit in my freezer!
