View Full Version : More posts come up missing....

August 19th, 2002, 01:06 AM
lol is it just me or did the post count get a lil bit lower here recently... yet one specifically that was expressing an opinion... still remains while others expressing opinions do not... LOL gotta love it here...

-FA- Th|3f
August 19th, 2002, 06:10 AM
yeah i am missing some post that i put up. weird but ok

Big Mama Funk
August 19th, 2002, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by Lexian
lol is it just me or did the post count get a lil bit lower here recently... yet one specifically that was expressing an opinion... still remains while others expressing opinions do not... LOL gotta love it here...

I don't think it's just you... :)

Only truly ignorant opinions get to stay, apparently. Misogynists have a home on the Merc forums.

Not that I'm suprised, mind you. I just hate I've wasted my time here. I can't go delete my other posts fast enough now. I have no wish to be associated with this type of behavior in any way, shape, or form...and that includes any event they are involved with. I'm not throwing my money at anything that would support this kind of classless crap.


August 19th, 2002, 06:52 AM
And yet you keep coming to the forums and adding more of your opinions. Interesting disparity you have going there BMF.

The only time that a post is going to be deleted (Forum Moderators, correct me if I am wrong) is when the server crashes, the post goes against either the rules that we have set forth here, or is found to be of questionable taste. Now, if you are missing some posts please consider these three options before you ocmplain about how things are run here. Afterall, this is our server and our forums; If you don't like the rules, leave.


August 19th, 2002, 07:10 AM
That's just a crying shame...someone makes an inflamatory comment and EVERYONE who posts a reply disagrees with him vehemently. Then all of a sudden....POOF! it mysteriously disappears? Yet the original post is left standing? Is there no integrity in this clan anymore? Is there some unseen admin somewhere that actualy agrees with the opinions stated by Fragmonkee? Are you not man enough to speak your own mind, and let your thoughts be read and judged by others? There are members of this clan that I both like and respect, but I gotta tell you that actions like this can only harm what little respect this clan has left. So, to whichever admin it was that deemed it necessary to delete everyone's replies, I challenge you to speak up and tell the world how you feel and why you would do such a thing that can only hurt your clan's reputation.

*This post DOES NOT break any rules set forth for this forum*

*And as for questionable taste, I guess the reply to my challenge or the lack thereof can't make things any worse than they already are.*


Big Mama Funk
August 19th, 2002, 07:20 AM
Check the logs, bud. I rarely post here anymore, not counting the posting spurt in the past 24 hours and I seem to recall that most of the posts were not opinions, but random sillines other than one of the replies to Fraggles' post. Exactly how does that conflict with what I have said?

Did the server crash? I don't think so. I would think that even the original poster's drek would be missing as well. It's patently obvious that it was the act of a moderator/admin as the topic is locked down.

Whether my last posts in that thread were tacky or not is a matter of opinion...and you're right. It's "your" boards, so you get to make that call. However, there were posts deleted refuting the original opinion that were NOT mine that were deleted as well. What does that tell you? I have no problem with someone pulling my posts if they cross any line. Rules are rules whether I like them, think they're reasonable, or not.

As to my "complaining"...I'd always prefer going to the source rather than being a coward and speaking from behind my hand. [Pointless insult edited by BMF]

...And you are absolutely right. I *don't* have to subject myself to this level of stupidity.

/sarcasm font
B*M*F out...
/end sarcasm font

August 19th, 2002, 07:22 AM
Dik i will say this, i also want to know who deleted all the posts in that thread myself...and i am trying to find out...

August 19th, 2002, 07:26 AM
Thanks, Mercy. I am very interested to learn what you find out.

August 19th, 2002, 07:28 AM
me too...i found that thread very interesting to say the least...

August 19th, 2002, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by [lag]Big Mama Funk

I don't think it's just you... :)

Only truly ignorant opinions get to stay, apparently. Misogynists have a home on the Merc forums.

Not that I'm suprised, mind you. I just hate I've wasted my time here. I can't go delete my other posts fast enough now. I have no wish to be associated with this type of behavior in any way, shape, or form...and that includes any event they are involved with. I'm not throwing my money at anything that would support this kind of classless crap.


Slow your roll Heather....we're working on it. I hardly think the closing of a thread and deleting of some posts is tantamount to misogyny. I've been one of your biggest defenders of you here but I think your soap box got a little tall this time. Let us figure out what's going on. I don't think the posts I saw were any worse then the drivel that started all this in the first place.


August 19th, 2002, 09:13 AM
Very articulate and eloquent there Joel. I'll be pondering that pearl of wisdom all day long.


August 19th, 2002, 09:13 AM
I don't think the posts I saw were any worse the drivel that started all this in the first place.
Neither do I. That's not what I was insinuating in the least. Personally, I found the post in question to be almost the stupidest thing I have ever read.

Did the server crash? I don't think so.
You miss my point entirely. I was merely saying that there were 3 reasons that a post would be missing. The crash of the server is only 1 (one) of the three possibilities. As such, perhaps the real reason is one of the other two!? Honestly, I don't know...but there had to be some reason.

I have no problem with someone pulling my posts if they cross any line. Rules are rules whether I like them, think they're reasonable, or not.
That's all that we can ask of you, or any other person that posts at MERC. I was not trying to insinuate that you were judged by a different set of rules; please don't think that.

But, hey, I can understand how this clan would find that kind of behavior confusing.
Oh, Queen of Sarcasm! ;)

BMF, I have never had, nor do I or will I, a problem with you or your posts. Some of them may come across as a bit harsh, but I unerstand that this is just your blatant use of sarcasm. I have no problem with sarcasm at all, nor with those who use it.


Big Mama Funk
August 19th, 2002, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by LA_MERC_LaTech
You miss my point entirely. I was merely saying that there were 3 reasons that a post would be missing. The crash of the server is only 1 (one) of the three possibilities. As such, perhaps the real reason is one of the other two!? Honestly, I don't know...but there had to be some reason.

I'm sure there *is* a reason. What's in dispute is if it's legitimate or not...but it's a Merc forum, so the perspective of what is legitimate to a non-Merc is moot.

Oh, Queen of Sarcasm! ;)

BMF, I have never had, nor do I or will I, a problem with you or your posts. Some of them may come across as a bit harsh, but I unerstand that this is just your blatant use of sarcasm. I have no problem with sarcasm at all, nor with those who use it.

I can appreciate that. Thank you. I should not have made sweeping generalizations about the clan as a whole and I apologize. My problem is with a select group of Mercs and how they chose to run things. I really don't think I can add anything more to this topic.

August 19th, 2002, 10:19 AM

August 19th, 2002, 10:43 AM

August 19th, 2002, 11:20 AM
I took this a step futher than Red just now and deleted Frags post as well. I also did not care for the couple of post that you put up. I think the words that you used in them where not fit for the forums. There are plenty of other ways to make your point. Also you posting it in big letters like you did. I mean come on, you knew that it had got deleted once already so what did you expect to happen when you put your second post up. It looks to me like you were just asking for it. Also as far as yall saying that there is little respect out there for our clan, I think your wrong there. I also don't really care for that post of ****s. So if you don't want your post deleted I suggest you use more common sense with your post. Cause you should have known what was going to happen with it.

August 19th, 2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by R@di0$taR



August 19th, 2002, 12:15 PM
And just what in the world is that supposed to mean, Redneck? Why didn't you just delete the whole thread? Or why didn't you just delete BMF's posts? Or edit out the parts that you found offensive?

I just read the IM conversation between you and BMF, and I gotta tell you that it's my opinion that this whole thing has been handled badly, particularly by you. I am glad to see that RP deleted Frag's thread. At this point that was all that could be done to salvage any dignity. My whole point in my earlier reply was that it *seemed* that Frag's post was left to stand on it's on merits, without giving anyone the opportunity to reply with their own opinion. That in and of itself implies that it was a position held by the admins of this clan.

As for asking BMF to ask me to retract my statements made earlier, I find that in poor taste. I just explained why I said what I said. Concerning the "respect" of your clan, I merely stated the truth whether you choose to accept it or not. It is a well known fact that there have been some very shady and dubious occurances in this clan over the past year amongst the admins and senior members. The only real respect that your clan is owed is that there have been a few other local clans who have sprung up comprised of former LA_MERC members who just got tired and fed up with Merc crap. As far as I'm concerned, the Emperor wears no clothes. Those occurances have heavily tarnished the respect that this clan has as a whole, and is directly related to the actions of your admins. As I stated earlier, I both like and respect some of your admins and players. I'm not here to stir up trouble between us or between our respective clans, unlike your comments. This is your house and you run it the way that you see fit, and I do the same thing in mine.

I post here on this board and play on this server because I cant stand to listen to what you people call logic and intelligence on your forums and servers.

That has got to be the most inflammatory and asinine thing I have ever heard you say with the exception of the statement that followed it. The purpose of that is what? I'm not here to stir things up. Wait a minute, I just said that didn't I?

As for fussing and whining on a computer forum, yeah that tends to happen when you allow something such as Fragmonkee's post to be locked after all of the previous replies have been deleted. But I guess you figured that one out huh?

I am merely stating MY opinion on these topics, if that's still allowed.

August 19th, 2002, 12:33 PM
"You are not here to stir things up." Well it seems that the only time you come to this forum to post is when you are tring to stir things up. At least that is what I am seeing.

August 19th, 2002, 12:54 PM
This entire episode is in itself asinine. Why does this topic even persist? By now does no one realize these arguments incorporate such nuances that they can not be conveyed in a turn based forum argument? I guarantee this entire episode would not have lasted this long in a more traditional format. Instead, here we stand with people analyzing the manner in which a sentence may have been structured and inferring the author's entire line of reasoning and emotional status. Give me a break people. And in the end, it all falls to the level of name calling... If you really get this worked up over this crap (and that's what it is), then step away from the keyboard and do something else.

August 19th, 2002, 12:59 PM
I'm truly sorry that you feel that way, Henry. Had the matter been handled properly to begin with, I probably wouldn't have said anything. And just for the record, if I really wanted to stir things up, I would've copied and pasted the entire transcript of BMF's and Redneck's IM conversation, not to mention stating a lot of facts that are best forgotten. I honestly think that it is in the best interests of the gaming scene in this area for all local clans and admins to do their best to get along with each other. I believe that Redneck's statements to me in his reply were intentionally inflammatory and I felt compelled to respond to them.

August 19th, 2002, 01:02 PM
okay i think that this has gone long enough...it is over and any and all other posts or threads that are started on this will be deleted.

if you want to continue this do it though the pm feature or icq/aim/email...

Moderators do not reopen this thread

August 19th, 2002, 01:02 PM

