View Full Version : Who Has An Xbox And What Games You Got!

July 31st, 2002, 01:49 PM
I DO...

I gots

HALO <-- King of all console games (fps's at least)!!

Project Gotham
and Tony Hawk 3

August 1st, 2002, 02:33 PM
I got Project Gotham Racing(game witht he system, didnt buy it, it sucks.)
and Wreckless(really goood graphics, but sucked totally on gameplay.)

Halo would be sooooo awesome if it had keyboard and mouse support for the Xbox.

It reminds me of tribes 2 with the vehicles and whatnot.

Im waiting for Steel batallion(lemme know if i spelt it rite)

August 1st, 2002, 05:24 PM
Amped (very cool snowboarding game)
NHL 2002
Obi Wan (great lightsaber fights...better than JK2)


August 1st, 2002, 05:40 PM
Noxious / gdodge, looks like you will get your wish. It has recently been announced that Halo will be appearing on the PC, and of course, it will be online. You'll have to wait a few months...but it is coming.

BB, did you play SSX Tricky? I know Amped was more of a snowboarding sim, but I thoroughly enjoyed Tricky on the GC. It was WAY over the top!

August 1st, 2002, 07:55 PM
Halo has always been planned for the PC.. they never changed that.. Thay are also putting out Halo next! .. the Halo sequel

Tricky is AWESOME!!

August 1st, 2002, 09:42 PM
Im into the realism...if there is such a thing....in sports sims. PLayed the demo of dark summit...kinda lame. I get XBOX mag every month for the demos and the articles are very cool. No one mentioned DOA3...I don't have it but have played it quite a bit...IT ROX!!! and the upload pack with all the diffrent outfits for the players is way tight.


August 2nd, 2002, 05:42 AM
I actually preferred DOA2...I thought it played a lot smoother. The graphics were a bit nicer on DOA3, but trying to play it with the original POS XBox controller totally ruined the game for me.

Never played Dark Summit...but it looked hella-lame.
