View Full Version : StarFox

July 30th, 2002, 09:31 PM
Anyone remember Starfox - originally developed for the SNES using the FX chip (the 3D chip was actually embedded in the cartridge), it gave us the first glimpse of 3D on a home console. The sequel on N64 rocked, literally, as it was used to introduce the Rumble Pack - the first force-feedback device on a console. It was space shooting at it's finest.

Well, now Starfox is upon us again, only this time it's a hybrid of sorts. Yes, there are still space-shooter levels, but a good portion of the game is a Zelda-like adventure (not a bad thing, IMHO). Once again, screenies for those that are interested.

And before you say it Vicious, yes he is supposed to look like a fox, only with no hat ;) (for those that have no idea what this comment means, check out my Zelda thread). Peace...

Looks like someone is outnumbered...

Look, up in the sky!

I hate raking leaves!

Space...the final frontier

He looks friendly...
