View Full Version : It Is True !!!!!!!

July 29th, 2002, 10:10 AM

Yes it is true I told OMEGA PRIME THE COLD HARD FACT THAT I BELIEVE HE IS A CHEATER ! yes this is my opinion and as i told many of you other mercs i have played with you all for a very long time and get along with just about all of you. We were on bloodstrike and it was for the most part 3 on 1 me and hicks and some new guy and prime was not effected by flash grenades and pretty much was unstoppable. yes could he of had the remarkable run of 58 and 5 yes it could happen but with the teams as they were a little un realistic. As for the other mercs if there is a problem with me let me know and i will gladly look for another server to play on. I just wanted to let tou all know yes there is a problem but no it is not with the rest of you no good players like Redneck Bighead perm andyconda rp and the rest of you HA HA!!!!! But i do feel there is a little more to OMEGA then all of you think. AND NO i dont need replies like oh he plays on my comp or i watched him and he is realy good because i have played with alot of the people who had been banned for the same reason and they were not cheating either S1 Scepter Hitman and a few other choice good players. So now that I have told you my end do as you will. But the only problem there is is between me and OMEGA not the rest of you but being that he is a clan member you should back him up because you all believe he is in the right so There is still no hard feelings between the rest of us either way it goes.

Don't Let The Illusion Consume You !!!!!!1

July 29th, 2002, 10:26 AM

July 29th, 2002, 10:31 AM
hehehe..yea User just like gdodge said if you think someone is cheating, make a demo and send it to us. we'll look at it. I mean make a demo of any us u suspect. watch it yourself and see. I don't think omega cheats. I never seen him play personally, but i have spectating him and everyone else when i die and i've never seen anything that looked fishy.

July 29th, 2002, 11:35 AM
Sorry, i have to jump in on this one. I was working on the webserver, and omega was right beside me playing on my wife's computer. I saw when you threw the flashes, they would always go behind that first wall where he couldnt see, thats why he wasn't affected. Omega does not cheat, he's just good, especially on that map, thats his favorite. And like i said he was on my wife's computer, there are no cheats on there, nor did he load any. This is a lesson for everyone. Just cause your not doing so great, dont accuse anyone of cheating without proof.

July 29th, 2002, 03:58 PM
hey user thanks for the praise man i really thank you. thats all i will say.

July 29th, 2002, 04:13 PM
no you know what i cant just end on that user i have never had a problem with you hell i think you are a really good player but before you go calling me a cheater why dont you take the time to see that i have been playing this game for over a year. i know most maps from top to bottom now, i have improved as a player. i do not cheat i will never cheat, hell man i wasnt even on my pc when i was doing so good the other day, like onji said i was on his. i dont know why you think that i cheat but you know what since you live in west monroe come to any lan you want i will let you personally get on my pc play my game and then i will show you just how good ive gotton, now im not saying im the best but hell man when you play the game for over a year now like me and really love the game like i do then your gonna be at least half decent at it and thats what i have become. none of this what im saying probally even matters to you so you know what just be at the next lan we have and i will show you personally. thats all i will say on this matter peroid. and next time i see you on the sever user i will not take this against you like you said this is your opinion though i did not like the way you called me a cheater on our sever that i will not say here, but you know what the words were that u used. later i have said my piece.

July 29th, 2002, 04:24 PM
No offense guys, IT'S A FREAKING GAME. Omega doesn't cheat. Omega is an exceptional player. User stop whining! Some of you guys carry these things out to seem like a soap opera. My goodness!

July 30th, 2002, 06:04 AM
OK If you say so I guess I will take you at your word. If you do you do If you Dont You Dont but anyway on with the killing. And Yes it probably was rather rude the way I said It Omega so for that I apologize but not for calling you a cheater. But like I said I cant Prove it so I guess You Dont. But I do Say sorry for The Whole HO Thing. You seem decent when your not Kicking My Arse so carry on to ya .

Don't Let The Illusion Consume You!!!!!!!

July 30th, 2002, 06:11 AM
like i said user i have no problem with you never have, i just dont see why you would have thought i was cheating, i have my good days and i have my bad ones.... anyways like i said if you still feel like you need to say something else to me icq me or holla at me in the sever the next time you see me hopefully ill be on again this weekend me and darren puting in a new proc. and mobo but are having problems with it at the moment. omega out...................

July 30th, 2002, 10:12 AM
Ya know honestly I think its a BUG in CS - not cheating but more of a BUG - there are many times i get flashed and all i see if just a gray puff of smoke - no white -

I dunno but thats just my opinion.

as Apoc said if your Flash Bangs are defective and duds please return them to the store in which you purchased them from for a full return!


July 30th, 2002, 11:23 AM
Awww seems everyone is getting along now! Other then User calling me a rat in game, but can you feel the love?

... lol off topic but deadhorse is right "Please donate to the
Buy Apoc A Better Headset Foundation

Contact me for more information!

Justin Leoni
aka DeadHorse

July 30th, 2002, 11:26 AM
congratulations endofbeginning you now have enough posts to change your title and add a custom avatar...

July 30th, 2002, 11:54 AM
wOOt wOOt!!

July 30th, 2002, 12:07 PM

July 30th, 2002, 12:11 PM
LOL - WHERE did that come from bro.... - dude talkin about rats and you come up with PIMP

OMG thats funny perm!!

July 30th, 2002, 01:00 PM
There goes Perm again... Sure, I'll be there, sure I'll make slurricanes :stick

July 30th, 2002, 01:41 PM
You can take the perm outta the beer but not the beer outta the perm.


July 30th, 2002, 02:44 PM
I think you a little too happy user ^^
