View Full Version : F-Zero for GC

July 29th, 2002, 06:17 AM
Anybody remember F-Zero? It first appeared on the SNES way back in the day. It had high-speed hover-cars that raced along tracks high above the cities of the future. It was all about speed, speed, speed - definitely one of my favorite racers of all time.

Anyway, in an odd twist of fate, Nintendo has decided to work with SEGA to develop the next F-Zero. The kick is, there's not one game in development, but two. One for the GC and one for the arcades. The arcade version is being developed using the GC-based TriForce arcade board, which was co-developed by Nintendo, Sega, and Namco. The two versions wil interact via memory card - but details remain sketchy at this point.

It appears that Nintendo and Sega share a common vision for the new game: SPEED!!! And with the power of today's consoles, it looks like you'll have tons of cars on-screen at once - hey, bumper cars at 600 mph, what a great idea :)

Got a couple of screenies below for those that are interested. Peace...



July 29th, 2002, 06:27 AM
okay now that just looks sweet...yeah i remember the original...a friend of mine had it and it was a blast to play...

July 29th, 2002, 05:50 PM
You're right Vicious, the surroundings were flat on the SNES - that's why they claimed the tracks were high above the city :)

It seems kinda lame now, but it didn't detract from the fun. Let's face it, when you fly off the track at 600 mph, you're toast no matter what you hit or how far you fall :lol

I remember you'd be cruising along at top speed - then someone would bump you - then you'd over-compensate in your steering - then BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! - Look ma, I'm a pinball :laugh:

July 29th, 2002, 06:05 PM
that looks great

August 2nd, 2002, 10:09 AM
Yeah, I loved the original too. Never failed tho, you got low on power and the AI purposely started bumping into you, or sending those flashing cars that were about to explode into your way...darn thing cheated I swear!

I still play it on the emulator from time to time. SOmewhere in my stuff I gat a SNES emulator and about a hundred games, an Atari emulator with like 400 games (never knew they made that many), an arcade emulator with a TON of games, including Donkey Kong, the best game ever IMHO, a Sega emulator, and a regular Nintendo emulator. Oh, and a pinball machine emulator too.

August 3rd, 2002, 06:52 AM
I've got a couple of emulators too. They're great for some quick flashes into the past. I don't have too many games for the SNES, but I've got a ton for the NES emulator.

I know what you mean about the Atari games. Since those cartridges used to be only 4K, I was able to download about 500 games in a single 2MB zip file!

August 3rd, 2002, 06:58 PM
i remember. i have that game. on snes and rom. fun game. didnt thay make 1 for the n64? or was that only for inport?

August 3rd, 2002, 07:06 PM
If someone were to want to play old Atari games...where would they go about gettng the games downloaded, and an emulator to play them...

Just if someone were interested.


August 4th, 2002, 03:14 AM
i dont know if the links work or not but i found it. if you want to get some snes roms go to
or http://vimm.net
i dont remember what 1.

August 4th, 2002, 03:17 AM
oh i for 64 roms for the snes :)

August 4th, 2002, 07:14 PM
Thanks man!

Crazy White Boy
August 4th, 2002, 08:20 PM
it reminds me of Jet Moto

August 5th, 2002, 05:33 PM
No way...Jet Moto sucked!

August 9th, 2002, 12:49 AM
yup it jet moto sucked. F-zero is 1 of the only raceing games i still play most of the others suck on the snes or the nes. good nes games
"hot rod"
cant remember anymore.

August 9th, 2002, 05:42 AM
My favorite racer in the NES was probably RC Pro-Am...

On SNES, F-Zero was sweet, but I'd probably have to rank Super Mario Kart just ahead of it...

On N64, Mario Kart 64 was sweet, but my favorite is still Waverace. No other game on any system has captured the unique feel of jet-ski racing, except for...

Wavrerace on the GC. Took everything that was great about the original and made it better. The water physics are unmatched. Add in the weather effects and BOOM - eight foot waves at 60mph!!! Challenging, but awesome.

August 9th, 2002, 03:43 PM
the new f-zero is beoing co-developed.
Sega, Namco, and Nintendo are supposedly teaming up to create an arcade board called The Triforce(nintendo prolly had sumthin to do with this, lol)

F-zero is being released in the arcades and also on THe GC.
Yes it will prolly have cross support for memory cards and what not.

jus a lil info.

August 9th, 2002, 04:35 PM
Yeah, I mentioned part of that in my original post. Nintendo is working with Sega on F-Zero, and working with Namco on a new Starfox game. Both arcade versions will indeed be running on the GC-based Triforce arcade hardware, which should make the home versions almost identical. Should be cool...I'm anxious to see what Sega can do with the F-Zero license, since they have pretty much owned arcade style racing for years!

November 2nd, 2002, 07:27 AM
Some new pics...I watched the latest videos and this game looks FAST!

Feelin hot, hot, hot...

Caution, where's the track!?

R.O.B. is all grown up! And he's huge!!
