View Full Version : Eternal Darkness

July 16th, 2002, 07:07 AM
Okay, first of all, no flaming any consoles or systems here. And no talk about another game. This thread is for Eternal Darkness only. Failure to comply will result in the rain of fire and brimstone on the violator.

Anyway, I had to let y'all know about Eternal Darkness.
This is one of the coolest, most innovative games I have ever played. You begin the game not knowing jack about the story line, i.e. you have to learn along the way, vis-a-vis "The Matrix." Anyhoo, there are supernatural forces involved, and as your character encounters these creatures and forces, your sanity meter drops. When you vanquish an etheral being, you regain a little sanity. What makes this game really cool, besides the graphics, storty, and gameplay, are the insanity effects.
A quick list of the ones I have seen so far:
1) children crying in the background
2) footsteps through the surround channels
3) blood running down the walls
4) going to save a game and a message coming up saying all files are deleted, only to realize it's an insanity effect
5) the blue screen of death appearing
6) a message that your controller is unplugged

You get the idea, 99.9% opf these effects leave you wondering what the heck is going on here? For example, we had the controller one happen, and me and my bud got up and looked to see if it had come unplugged.

The story is awesome as well with wicked sound effects and gameplay.

This game is the best so far for the Gamecube IMHO, and deserves a second look.

Just wanted to share with y'all. :p

July 16th, 2002, 07:10 AM
Saw the commercial for it and it looked really good.....sounds even better!!
(look Ma...no flame :))


July 16th, 2002, 07:23 AM
Me so proud of big brother..
/me wipes tear

July 16th, 2002, 05:54 PM
Couldn't agree more Dirge. This is not your typical Nintendo game. It takes place over 2000 years through the stories of 12 characters. The attention to detail is phenomonal. All weapons and music are specific to the time period. They even went so far as to remove stained glass windows from a cathederal because stained glass didn't exist during that time period. The gameplay is tight, and the environments very moody and spooky. Also worth mentioning is the magick system. ED has a rune-based system that allows you to experiment to create different spells. The spells can be cast on your weapon, yourself, and the environment. Definitely adds a level of complexity to an already awesome game.

***Shame, shame.. Listen to Dirge- no fanning potential flames on my thread***

July 17th, 2002, 09:26 AM
I gotta check this game out.
Been reading about it since it was originally supposed to be released for the N64.


July 17th, 2002, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the props Vicious...I'll check out the site.
