View Full Version : skool

June 30th, 2002, 10:16 AM
oorah! just got dropped to my school today! i had to pack up all my stuff into 2 c-bags..(those are the green bags that you see in war movies when the "hero" comes back home holding a big green bag) anyways i had to fit a 13" tv into a bag along with my ps2. with all my stuff in bags i was carrying 150lbs to another barracks across the way. that was the longest walk i have done in a while. i think the other marines have called it the "walk of death". oh well, well i will be out of school in five weeks and then i will return home for a few days before i have to get shipped somewhere....pray that i dont get okinawa japan. i have heard that it sucks overthere and i dont want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere for year. hey danny if i have to go over seas, you wanna join the corps and go with me? lol we prolly could go to a starcraft tourney or something. hehe
-later yos

June 30th, 2002, 11:42 AM
Are you going to come back gere before you go or to Kansas?You must be crazy to think I would join the marines.I could take it.I just dont want to.were will you end up when you get set free from the marines?

June 30th, 2002, 12:06 PM
doing what you want to do - duh...LOL

gj monkee - it gets better once you get assigned to you command post.

July 4th, 2002, 07:52 AM
hey danny,
lol i dont think you could take marine boot. go watch full metal jacket and tell me what you think....ive seen 30 year old men cry in boot. it aint all physical, though most is, they mentally screw with you all the times of the day..once i woke up at 2:30 in the morning with a drill instructor yelling at us to low crawl under all the racks...it wasnt pretty.

July 4th, 2002, 12:34 PM
You dont know what you are talking about.I could take it my mother screams constatly.And nothing is worse that a woman screaming things at you,expecialy your mother.

July 4th, 2002, 02:19 PM
We had the same types of stuff in Navy boot as well. But it all was for the best. It will get better once you start classes - or at least it did for me cause I was training for what I wanted to do.

July 5th, 2002, 08:07 AM
hey intimadator, did you go through marine corpman school? those guys go through the same thing as we did in boot, they have marine instructors too.it was kinda funny when a corporal yelled at a e-5 (which is the equivelent to a sergeant in the marines) for not saluting an officer. lol, but anyways, do you wanna see the pics i took from marine combat training? i am getting them developed today, got some good ones with me and the .50 cal machine gun, the mk19 grenade launcher (fires 400 40mm grenades a minute *can we say badass???*) the at-4 rocket launcher, and me during the live fire (we had to wear flak jackets helmits, load bearing vests, and the ever famous m16a2 service rifle. kinda funny cause the civilian can go buy the ar15 carbine(same thing as the m16a2 except for burst mode), but the marines never use burst, all semi auto. i just wanted to point that out, so all of those that want an m16, go to a gun show and pick one up for around $900. in my opinion there isnt a better rifle, since you can be deadly accurate at distances of up to 800 meters. and if a stupid person says that an ak-47 is a better rifle they are wrong. the ak-47 is open sighted, as well as the m16a2, BUT it also fires a 7.62mm ball round. sure that is bigger than the m16's 5.56mm, but the ak kicks like you wouldnt believe. in short the ak is a pray and spray weapon. it is only accurate up to 300 meters. it may be more durable than the m16, but i went through field training with mine and man i beat the hell out of that rifle. (even stabbed myself with the bayonet, but i dont want to talk about that...lol)

July 5th, 2002, 08:13 AM
oh and danny what are you doing with your life besides watching dragon ball z and eating cheetos????? i make around 1,000 bucks a month and i dont pay for food, rent, gas, electricity, medical, dental, or clothing. that is 1,000 that i put in my back pocket and do nothing with, except for maybe some ps2 games and pizza. i am going to try to get stationed in hawaii here in a few weeks. danny you should at least join the air force...they pay for the rest of your college...i get 30,000 for college. it only cost me 100 for the first year and when i get out, i paid 1,200 for a 30,000 education.

July 5th, 2002, 08:53 AM
w00t I luvs me an AR-15! FYI We went to watch the fireworks on the riverfront here in New Orleans yesterday. The riverboats offer dinner/fireworks cruises. They seem pretty cool. Well with all of the heightened security, there were F-18's flying CAP, USCG cutters on the river, and two USCG guys with AR-15's/M-16's strapped on the riverboats! W00t Kewl stuff to see!

July 5th, 2002, 01:07 PM
Chris you Dont know what you are talking about.I am currently working 32 hours a week and Going to Votech fulltime[computer specalist].You must get some kind of kickback from the marines or somthing if you recruit me?I have A hard enuf time with all the other branches,plus yours,hounding me once a week.They say I did so well on my ASVAB.That they will not leave me alone.And i have been out of high school 2 years??

July 5th, 2002, 05:40 PM
i scored an 89 on my asvab and the average in my area was a 42...come on danny you only need a 31. a computer specialist??? god help us all...mr. cheeto man..lol

July 5th, 2002, 05:43 PM
yes i love the ar15. you know that in bootcamp if a drill instructor loses part of a rifle (one of the recruits too) that he goes to a maximum security prison? because people were using the parts to make fully automatic weapons...the recruits were sending the parts home to their family and friends...i just thought that that was kinda funny because you could really screw over your drill instructor...

July 5th, 2002, 07:06 PM
That ASVAB is evil if you don't plan on going into the military. I took mine in '91 and my lowest percentile was 97. Those guys called me for the next 4 years!!! "Just checking to see how college is going." "If things don't work out remmber us."

Whoa, it's nice to know i'm wanted. hmmmm. Maybe I should take a second look at it lol

July 13th, 2002, 04:11 PM
yea they are evil
