View Full Version : ATV Goodness Yesterday... Got MUD?

October 19th, 2008, 08:02 AM
Well, me and my Girlfriend went ATV riding at C.A.W a park near Columbia S.C.

Here are some pics of our little adventure :)

To start with, I had a flooded out little Bayou 220 to get running...
that's Gas I'm wringing out of my rag. (Reason) I left the Gas on when
I loaded it that morning, and the carb did not stop the fuel flow from the
gas tank, then filling up the air box and Motor with gas.... BTW I also had
to change the Oil.. Lesson learned (ALWAYS TURN OFF THE GAS FLOW )


off course I had to jump in the first rutted out hole I could find, just to
see what this Polaris I borrowed from a friend would do. :)


Looking over the always confusing trail map, to (TRY) and figure out what
trail to take next... I wanted to go up the Black diamond trail ahead, but
my better senses kicked in and we went for the blue trial.. after all I did
have my girlfriend following me on (MY) bike, and this was only her second
time on an ATV.


Now I'm not saying anything.. since she is not the most experienced rider,
but I knew that rut was not going let the bayou pass... (Without a little Tug any)


This pic was captured from Video, so not as clear.. but I ended up standing
in the mud hole, to walk the Polaris out... but it did climb out..


So after about half a day worth of riding I ended up with a bad case of
the Mud-in-The-Boot Syndrome.
(But hey, that just means I had fun without proper protection) LOL


And of course at the end of the day we made our way over to the newly
installed pressure washer's to clean up the bikes. You get 3 minutes for a
dollar, so it took about 4 dollars per. Bike.. but it was well worth it.
I learned my lesson the hard way before. Going home with a muddy bike,
then trying to clean off the dried mud the next day is a major pain in the butt.


And that about summarizes the day..
I didn't try the mud bog, or the mud pit with the bayou since the Idea today
was to familiarize my "Gal" with the pleasures of trial riding. After the Mechanical
issues we had before we ever got started, I figured I better not push my luck.
Yea, their are bigger holes, and yes I WILL go back to push
my luck, but all in all, we had a great time.

October 19th, 2008, 08:25 AM
Looks like a blast mano!!!

October 19th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Looks like it was a lot of fun Parker. Ride On!

October 19th, 2008, 02:06 PM
Im sure yall had fun! You should have used the pressure washer on yerself.

October 19th, 2008, 03:06 PM
Yeah Parker, I went ahead and bought my own. Between the house, the 4x4 truck, the 4 wheeler, and the boat I got tired of dropping dimes in the local car wash so I bought my own from Home Depot for like 200 dollars and will soon mor ethna pay for itself. get your own 2600 psi or better pressure washer and you won't regret it

October 19th, 2008, 07:06 PM
I have thought about it... I do have a house and shop that needs cleaning every couple of years.

October 19th, 2008, 07:30 PM
BASTAGE haha hey is that Michaels Polaris?

October 19th, 2008, 07:38 PM
stay away from trail 19!!!! me scared!!

October 20th, 2008, 06:31 AM
Yea that Michaels Polaris... I was thinking about buying it, but im not sure I like the Automatic transmission. It winds up too much for me, guess im just not familar with that set up.. but yea, it will get through some mud holes :)

And, NO.. we are not going down trail 19 again... had I dragged Kerry down that trail, she would have moved out of the house when we got back home...

October 20th, 2008, 07:25 AM
haha i would have made here move out if she didnt lol go ahead and get it big boyy i almosst bought it last year but i did some things to my jeep instead hehe

October 20th, 2008, 09:41 AM
Well he still wants to sell it.. I bet you can get it for a deal... I think hes asking 3500 for it. You never know man, maybe he will let it go cheaper :)

Ohh.. and I cleaned it up real good... so their aint a bit of mud on it right now :)

October 20th, 2008, 01:55 PM
im really not a polaris fan that is another reason why i didnt by it

October 20th, 2008, 07:40 PM
That's why I didn't.. the bike seemed overly complicated to me... to much fancy stuff to screw up.

October 21st, 2008, 03:41 AM
Looks like you had hella fun. I hope all is well in the other parts of life also.

I know she will ride a 4-wheeler, but will she field dress a moose?:stick

October 21st, 2008, 01:23 PM
haha rook i just thought is that obama in your sig when he found out that his daddy was a black man?
