View Full Version : Doc and Onji here!

August 20th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Fecking XP problem solved! Dude! Our POS "CAD Administrator" that is PAID OT to read the Cadalyst forums PHAILED yet again to do anything right. Here's a link to the article. Stupid as Digital Signature Extension shyt! First thing I did was call this nub and ask him to check out autocad as a source of the lag.. useless this guy is.. USELESS... the bad part is if you google "autocad slow directory listing" the first link has the answer right there.. /doh!


August 20th, 2008, 04:08 PM
Heh... so you gonna send him a bill for the 3 days waisted on this? Good to hear you got it figured out. I'll have to file this away for future reference.
