View Full Version : Beyond Help???

July 23rd, 2008, 07:18 PM
I've Uninstalled/Reinstalled.... I've updated Video drivers, LAN drivers, Patched again... Still no connection to a Live server... Is there anyone running this game on 32 bit Vista?? If so please for the love of GAWD, help me.... Please Help me!! Vacation starts Friday, I intend on playing this game while on vacation on this LAPTOP...

It just doesn't seem to reach out into Server land when I tell it to join a Server... Beats the living shiot out of me...

Thanks again people...

July 23rd, 2008, 07:31 PM
Jebus man, Im no help to ya but sorry yer having such an issue.

July 23rd, 2008, 09:48 PM
you remind me of how great XP is...

maybe you should just get TF2???

July 24th, 2008, 07:16 AM
There's a sugestion.. Try another on line game and see if that works.

For the Gurus...Does Vista have a compatability thing like XP? Where you can tell a program to run in earlier modes? Just a thought.

Wetz, if it doesn't work, maybe it would be a good time to try Docs new game.

July 24th, 2008, 09:10 AM
No Vista itself is not the whole of the issue. There are plenty of people that are playing BF2 every night with Vista. Something on your computer.

Have you made an exception in the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) program on Vista. It sounds security type issue to me.

Right click "Computer" icon
-> Properties
-->Advanced System Settings (on left side of screen)
--->Under Advanced tab --> Under Performance --> Click Settings button
---->Select Data Execution Prevention Tab
-----> add exception for BF2.exe
Try it out.
