View Full Version : Watching for water spouts

July 7th, 2008, 07:27 AM
Cool slideshow of some Lake Pontchartrain water spouts from an afternoon thunderstorm this past weekend. This is a pretty common occurence in the lakes/marshes around New Orleans in the summertime. They do not do any damage (except to the marine life), but you want to motor away from them when they pop up. Click on the slideshow to see all the pics, some of them would make you almost crap your pants if you were simply walking out to your car and saw it. lol


July 7th, 2008, 08:50 AM
Now do these things run out when they hit the shore or do they pretty much idle around out in the water. What would happen if one came across a boat?

July 7th, 2008, 09:12 AM
Bad ass...I was camping one time in Kansas when I was in scouts and there was a water spout on the lake. Was one of the most awesome things I'd seen to that point in my life. Wouldn't want to be on the water, though!

July 7th, 2008, 09:42 AM
They are relatively weak (67 mph) and do not move much since the clouds/storms that form them are pretty stationary. They kind of just peter out after a short while. You should still try to avoid them though just in case it is stronger than you think. I've seen some really big ones that will put the fear of God in you. I've also seen some storms out in the gulf throw done 2-3 at a time (from a nice distance of 20 miles or so lol).

July 8th, 2008, 08:29 AM
When I was flight instructing I would see them pop up now and then. Pretty cool views from the cockpit.. and it would freak students out :D
