View Full Version : XBOX 360

July 1st, 2008, 03:28 PM
I f*&%^king hate the XBOX 360. I have one and it recently gave me the red ring of death. Sent it in for the fix (DO NOT USE Irepairsquad for repair service for anything). They took forever and now that I got it back guess what. IT STILL DOESN"T F()*&ING work. Does anyone else have one and what is a reputable repair center for them. I'm thinking of getting GH3 for my Wii and selling the 360 (Microsoft blows goats nuts when it comes to consoles). Guitar Hero 3 is all i ever play on the 360 any way.

P.S. Mario Kart Wii is Da Bomb, Me and the kids play for hours, the little Wii Wheels are awesome.

July 1st, 2008, 03:36 PM
microsoft extended their original warranty for a couple of years i think, and RROD's are covered. just call them and see: 1-800-4-MY-XBOX
I got one that was red ringing, called them up, they sent me out a box(coffin) and i boxed it up, sent it back, and got it back fully repaired in a week and a half or so. for the best price, free

July 1st, 2008, 04:02 PM
Yea, I've had my original (bought first month) and a replacement both get the dreaded RROD. I'm on my third one now, but I didn't have to pay anything to get the fixed. They kicked in an xbox live card as well. The price is dropping on them next week I believe. Just pick up the low-end version without the hard drive and put your drive on it. You'll have extra controllers and an HDMI connection to boot.

The Wii is a good console and my kids love it. After playing the 360, I like it better than the Wii. The graphics totally blow the Wii away. Now, the Wii has it's awesome games from Nintendo, WIFI and that swank wiimote. Pick the one that's best for you and yours.

I just picked up a one year live card and plan on picking up Bad Company this weekend. With COD4 and BC, that should provide some new gameplay while I'm waiting for D3 and BF3.

July 3rd, 2008, 09:34 PM
I had mine go out on the 13th month, and they replaced it under the extended warranty for the RROD.

July 30th, 2008, 10:20 AM
hence the reason you need a ps3 the games are just getting better every day plus metal gear solid 4 is by far one of the best games ever made even if you have never touched 1,2,and 3.... 4 is just godly.

July 30th, 2008, 03:22 PM
I had my original box for 2 years before it finally gave up the beans. I got a couple red rings of death but that was just because it got overheated from being in an enclosed space. My box went out in late june. Called Microsoft and they emailed me a ups ticket. I mailed it in, went camping for two weeks, and when I got back, they had sent me a brand spanking new one that has a manufacture date of May '08. Id say that was a good deal.
