View Full Version : Just thought it was interesting

May 19th, 2008, 08:11 PM
Since it's been in the news so much lately.


May 19th, 2008, 08:29 PM
That's what I'm talk'in bout!!!!! GJ Shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 19th, 2008, 09:13 PM
WoW>.. Now if we can only Hijack the TV stations long enough to get this message out to the rest of the world...

Since you know the media's backing him.. its a scary thought.. :(

May 19th, 2008, 10:06 PM
That's no diffrent then any other propaganda you see against any candidate. That "God bless America/God damn America" speech wasn't in fact the reverends own words. He was quoting a general from the US Army I believe. If you listen to the unedited version of that sermon you will clearly hear him say he is reading...ver batim...a speech given by someone else. The media and groups like the one that produced that video have edited and twisted the **** out of it.

That being said I think Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Why? I don't know. My gut tells me something is not right with him. All this strung together nonsense with tenuous connections and out of context quotes is not only embarrassing but insulting.

Do your OWN research using REPUTABLE sources to make an informed decision. Listening to agenda driven, self serving drivel is pointless and potentially dangerous.

May 19th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Did a lil of the "research" I was talking about. The "God damn America" speech is a warped view of some Old Testament scripture stating basically that God is constant and consistent while people and governments change. Here is the unedited sermon.


The quote from a General (or so I thought) was actually from a US Embassador. It was the "Americas chickens have come home to roost" speech we heard for a hot minute till the full sermon came out. You can see it here and it starts around 3:20.


It probably sounds like I support both of them. Not in the least. I think Wright is a ****ing nut job and a racist but I don't like when stuff it taken out of context and twisted. I allready said I don't trust Obama.

Look, listen and feel for yourself. Propaganda is bull****, wether it comes from a communist, a fascist, a nazi, an elephant or a jackass.

May 20th, 2008, 05:58 AM
Its amazing what a little editing can do

May 20th, 2008, 06:26 AM
I didn't do much research on this b/c it was sent to me in an email, and I just figured I'd post it for the hell of it. I don't care for Obama, mainly b/c he's being forced down everyone's throats these days. I can't find a good track record of his policies or beliefs, and the few he is for, I don't like. Like Tech said...amazing what editing can do. But that's exactly what we see each day in all the news....editing for whomever or whatever cause they want to promote. Take a bunch of things out of context and paste them together to make it sound like what you want it to convey.

May 20th, 2008, 07:31 AM
This thread reminds me of the attached picture...which is a cropped version of the picture here (http://omploader.org/vaTFj/crop2.jpg)

May 20th, 2008, 09:21 AM

The one thing I can say is that Obama is a motivator. He is fresh and new. Change is needed and he is riding that curtail to its fullest.
I do not think McCain is much of a change from what we have right now. Another "career" politician that wants to stay the "Bush" course in the Middle East. I think it will be a battle of the issues and I get the same wolf in sheeps clothing for both McCain and Obama.

May 20th, 2008, 11:31 AM
I say we vote in the guy in the above picture.. you want change... theres change :)

May 20th, 2008, 11:54 AM
But definately not "Change we can believe in"

May 20th, 2008, 04:40 PM
The one thing I can say is that Obama is a motivator. He is fresh and new. Change is needed and he is riding that curtail to its fullest.

Just like Hitler :stick

May 20th, 2008, 06:11 PM
Yeah CFH I see what you are saying.We need to research and judge for ourselves. I watched it and it did not change my opinion lol. That crazy pastor means every bit of what he said why would you preach to your congregation about hate. Forgiveness is what he should be preaching. whether he quoted something from someone else or not he included it in his sermon for a reason. Does he condemn what is being said, or use it to insight anger and hate. I say he is a racist bigot and does it to instil anger and hate. Maybe I am wrong in my assumptions. Yes we need change I am not sure Mcain is the 100*/. right choice either but he has !00 percent of my vote so far no matter who Obamas running mate is I will not vote Dem. To be honest I was leaning toward Edwards. If he had made it. I voted for him in the primary. But Obama WILL NOT get my vote. There is no way he talked and "prayed" with that man for 20 years and never heard anything like this b4. Obama made the comment b4 that his Pator told him he may have to distance himself. Is he distancing himself or is he sincere. I dont know if I am going to quote Wright word for word but didnt he say in the interview at that big press conference " I am a preacher I do what preachers do. Barak is a politician he does what politicians do" I understood that to mean Obama is lying to you. My assumtion only; because I believe that most politicans are all LIARS anyway.

May 21st, 2008, 03:32 PM
Well said Robbie :)

May 21st, 2008, 04:58 PM
I think that one has to come up with their own ideals and issues. Judge each candidate accordingly and elect the lesser of the evils.
My main issues are:

1. Economy - if ya haven't noticed, it is in the ****ta.
2. The War - I am not going to argue semantics here, but I think increasing the number of troops over there is not a good idea.
3. Education - The "No Child Left Behind" bill has begun to crumble our education system. Let the dumbing down begin so we can achieve a 100% pass rate. I am sorry, but some kids are stoopid!
4. The Environment - Only harm if needed. If it will help out the GREATER American populous. Drilling for oil only if we get guarantee that we will get lower prices.

May 21st, 2008, 05:41 PM
here we go
1. Agreed The economy is horrible right now. Not sure that any of these candidates can do anything about it Barak talks a big game " I think that is all he is" Mcain "Admits he doesnt know anything about the economy" WTF!!
2. War undecided. I have had several friends who have been there. Some argue to send more some say hell no. I dont know I wish it had worked out different but we are there now So I say try to fix our mess and get out as quickly and as safe as possible. I do not agree with Obama. he seems to think he can just say bring them home and all will be well.
3. education. Agreed My wife is a teacher in the public school system, and basically this no child left behind crap is more work for teachers with little reward. like you said some of these kids are stoooopid. With that being said I don't know how it is where you guys are from; but here these "stoooopid kids" could be smarter if they would have some help at home. Too many people here let grandmas and cousins raise there kids while they go out and make more and no one takes up time with them> try something esle like everyone who has a child out of wedlock is required to take parenting classes. It all starts in the home. Let me tell you another thing. Did you know ( well here atleast) That if a child fails a grade in primary school first through 6th grade, they can only be held back once. even if they fail they pass. HMMMMMMMMMM! I dont know how it is in the upper grades. No child left behind? how about No good for there future.
4 environment Agreed what he said

agreed on the lesser of the evils also HA but I did that last time lol
